Wednesday, April 10, 2024

CASH CRUNCH:...Republican All-Out Support For Donald J. Trump Taking Cash From Down-Ballot GOP Candidates...Does RGV's Mayra Flores Have Enough In The Bank To Oust Gonzalez?...



McALLEN, Texas |...Word in the corporate hallways has it that the troubled Republican Party is funneling all of its money to presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, every single buck and penny taken from contributions to the Republican National Committee (RNC).

What that will mean to down-ballot candidates such as Mayra Flores, the GOP's horse in the 34th Congressional District race is anybody's guess, although when the news comes from the RNC itself that Donald gets all the money, well...

How this may be affecting the Flores campaign we do not exactly know. She's been quieter than usual heading into the summer months, a time when political campaigns with national implications get rolling.

So far, nothing.

Flores may be huddling with Big Scheme handlers, and maybe we're premature in saying her campaign is jogging. But news also has it that Democrats are raking in the money like never before. President Joe Biden's campaign has been ballyhooing big hauls they say has left Trump and the RNC in the dust.

That is good news for District 34 incumbent Vicente Gonzalez, who likely will not have a cash problem as he rolls out his reelection bid. The November General Election likely cannot get here soon enough for him.

We have no access to Mayra Flores, as she has blocked us on her Facebook page.

It would be rather interesting to ask her about the current state of her campaign's financial standing. At last report, back a few months, she reportedly had almost $1 million in her war chest. To date, however, we have seen nothing of her advertising, although that could be soon coming.

She has a hard row to hoe, a tall mountain to climb.

Gonzalez is a dog at campaign time, and he wants to keep his job. And has tasted victory against her once already, by some 10,000 votes in the most recent 2022 election.

What sayeth thou, Mayra Flores?...



  1. She has to be damned worried. No help from her party? Goodbye campaign.

  2. I understand that whoever raises the most money is in a better position to win, I just feel like it's a shame that this is the way we measure this. Just enforces the truth that politics is all about cash.

  3. Has Mayra also changed her mind on abortion, like Trump?

    1. That would be news. She does follow the party line, tho.

  4. I am constantly shocked by the complete lack of knowledge of issues by the American public. Blaming Biden for stuff that isn't even an issue. Clearly they are spending too much time watching radical and dangerous far right news shows and less time actually learning facts from the real press. Being disappointed that another GOP state judicial group put in by Republicans has taken away a women's right to choose but saying they would vote for Trump is insane. Depressing.


  5. A conman, a thief, and a rapist walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What'll it be Mr. Trump?"

  6. The Arizona Supreme court just made things worse for Donald Trump and the Republicans, and the Biden campaign is going to pound them every day. LOL!!!

    1. Hopefully republicans keep this kind of stuff up the next few months. We need record turnout in November to make sure that Trump loses by landslide measures--so we can prevent another attempted coup when his believers refuse to believe the results of any election that is even a little bit close.

  7. Arizona will be as blue as the sky come Nov. Republicans really shot themselves in the foot on this one.

    1. Abortion is a right. Full stop. It cannot be left up to individual states just as breathing cannot be legal in one state and illegal in another.

  8. Republican men make these decisions for women, because so many women usually stay home, rather than voting. If you don’t like it, turn out and vote for Democrats. I suspect that many women will, this November. Most women in Congress are Dems. Dems were the first to offer a woman for VP, and the first to back a woman for President. Dems backed women for SCOTUS. Dems support the right to choose. Supporting Democrats is supporting women. Supporting Republicans is attacking women. Now you know. Spread the word.

  9. Please tell me that there is at least one judge with the balls big enough to put him in jail!

  10. "I've seen Trump naked. There's no way he's scarier with clothes on." - Stormy Daniels, on threats and testifying in Court.

  11. Uh, the Republican Party would be MUCH happier in the 19th Century.

  12. Thoughts and prayers go out to the women in Arizona. They NOW have the same rights as women had there in 1864!

  13. If men could give birth, we would NEVER be here. Everyone would have autonomy over their own body for sure.


  14. I'm an old white disabled Vietnam era veteran who wants to protect all rights. get up. stand up for your rights.

  15. Trump again today asked appeals court to delay his upcoming hush money trial! - What a loser!!!

  16. For someone who constantly claims that "he did nothing wrong", Trump sure finds ways to try to keep from going to trial.

  17. Former Trump executive Allen Weisselberg sentenced to 5 months in jail for lying in civil fraud case.

    Weisselberg admitted lying when he testified he had little knowledge of how Trump’s Manhattan penthouse came to be valued on his financial statements at nearly three times its actual size.

  18. Never in American history has such a perfectly innocent man worked so tirelessly to prevent the testimony of perfect witnesses who can only testify to how perfectly innocent he perfectly is.

  19. The thought of Trump panicking.......makes me very happy. Hope the panic intensifies.

  20. President Biden brings the house down as he reveals major Democratic initiatives to aid care givers, expand the child tax credit and bolster family leave during a speech at Union Station in Washington.

  21. Donald Trump filed another motion with the appeals court in his hush money trial, his 10th, and it was summarily denied. LOL!!!


  22. I think trump will go after women's right to vote.

  23. Everyone, including all Trump supporters, knows he would sign a national abortion ban if given the chance. Why the holy people think they need to exert their control over everybody is beyond me.


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