Tuesday, April 23, 2024

AND WE WILL ALL GO DOWN TOGETHER:......... Trials(s) Of Donald Trump A Drag On America...Ship This Entire Embarrassment To El Salvador...Citizens Scared To Serve On Jury?...Hang Fire!...



McALLEN, Texas |...We keep telling ourselves we're not gonna take it anymore. Trump crapola, we mean. Trial's arrival is good, only how much longer do we have to carry this barf bag around? There are few answers we like. this, we're told, will go on for months.

Are you into it?

Some of my friends say they have bailed-out on the day-to-day news coverage, now waiting simply on the trial's verdict. As one put it, "We know all the damned facts, so judge his ass!"

I suspect that many of my fellow Americans agree with that exhaled sentiment.

Defendant Donald J. Trump has taken the air out of the room. He's a hero and a villain to the grass-whorled population. Wyoming went all in on incredibly-flawed Trump's presidential aspirations yesterday, its Republican contingent collaring a state convention to say it's Trump or Bust.

We'll see. Hey, Summer isn't even here yet and already even the local humidity feels good. Anything to shake the citizen doldrums, to make one believe there is more to this dragging movie. Is criminal Trump all we are anymore? Seems so, Maria.

Seems so.

I'll gather my thoughts as I head into our weekly discussion meeting at the restaurant tomorrow, only it does get tiring to round up all-things-Trump. It's like trying to pick up a carton of cracked eggs, the one the H-E-B delivery lady dropped on my front step.

You do it.

I have grown used to using that sentence - You do it! - out of, I say to myself, self-defense. We all grow old and, as Willie Nelson likes to say, "It gets easier - to say, not today."

So, excuse me while I take a break here, while I go shave and look for that one shirt that always makes me feel good about myself. Shake my hair in place, step into my faded jeans and harness boots. The day's supposed to clear up by 9:00 A.M., the time of day I like to stroll into my restaurant to a round of, not applause, but what the French call "ennui." It shakes out, too, as soon as the rabble-rousers in the group show up to act out their idea of Life.

We'll throw out some stuff on Trump and then segue into something else, often the local.

Now, if only we could vote to move all of Trump's trials down to Central America, where they are used to such attacks on humanity. Donald J. Trump would be a great president of El Salvador! There, he could abscond with the millions in foreign aid El Salvador gets from the U.S.

And no one would care.

Excuse me, my Uber ride is here...



  1. “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -- Frank Wilhoit

  2. MAGA minds are already made up, they will still vote for him.

    It's the independent voters that need to realize that TRUMP cannot be in office ever again.

    1. trump may have the right to remain silent but completely lacks the ability, intelligence or common sense to do so.

  3. New Yorkers are too savvy to fall for his garbage.

    1. Trump complains of the jury coming from democrats, when he was a democrat in NY for decades!!

  4. Trump is calling for his supporters to protest outside courthouse. Only truly sad people would willingly give up beautiful spring days to be stuck at a courthouse "protesting" for a guilty man who will never know they exist. Most people have actual lives to live.

    1. Is Mayra Flores going to be one?

    2. No one is showing up to support him! LOL!!!

  5. Vote Blue if you want to keep your democracy. End of story, because Trump will end it. Too many authoritarians in his circle.

  6. Yikes! Pro-Palestinian protests sweep US college campuses following mass arrests at Columbia University.

    1. Universities should not have political positions. If they take them, their non-profit status should be revoked immediately.

  7. How many warnings does he need for god's sake?!

  8. Trump in gag order hearing today. It is amazing one man can bully his way through the legal system. Being rich is definitely the way to go. The laws are for the "little" people to worry about.

    1. Always with the endless verbal warnings. It is not working.

  9. Dear Judge, if by some slim chance you seated him in jail for the length of the trial, He would be silenced, hear me?

  10. The crowds of Trump protesters don't show up for the trial because most Republicans know Trump is guilty.

  11. I would not want indicted Trump to be U.S. President again. Voting Blue, like my mom and dad.

  12. 4 years ago today: Trump tried to make Clorox great again - remember Trump & Covid-19?

  13. My take on Thursday's Supreme Court "immunity" hearing: If Presidents are allowed total immunity there is nothing from stopping a President from doing all sorts of misdeeds.

    We should be holding our elected officials accountable in every aspect.

    They are OUR employees. We are not their subordinates or subjects.

  14. A convicted felon should not be allowed for any government/legislative position at all. He is already not allowed for any position at KFC/McDonald's.

  15. And yet again...he isnt locked up.
    Jury intimidation is the worst.
    He constantly breaks the gag order.
    Come on Judge!!

  16. As a Democratic voter, Trump is definitely who I want leading the GOP. There is no other person I can think of who could be this much of a drain on their party in so many ways, especially financially. I am very grateful to the Republican electorate for being foolish enough to choose Trump, a criminal and a known loser who will wreak financial havoc on his own party down ballot, as their presidential nominee yet again. It has been and will continue to be an excellent gift to the Democratic party.

  17. Enquiring minds want to know: David Pecker the lead road map witness for the Manhattan DA is absolutely killing Trump with his testimony today, as he “cashes all the checks” that the prosecution wrote to the jury in their opening statement yesterday. Pecker used to own The National Enquirer. He is the one said to have been the initial middleman between Trump and Stormy Daniels.

    1. The Enquirer paid $30,000 to a Trump Tower doorman named Dino Sajudin for a story about Trump fathering an out-of-wedlock child. Though the story turned out not to be true, Pecker said, “I made the decision to buy the story because of the potential embarrassment it would have to the campaign and Mr. Trump.” A second catch-and-kill example involved former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who was shopping a story about a sexual relationship she said she had with Trump. “I think you should buy it,” Pecker said he told Trump, who was married at the time, during the 2016 campaign.

  18. Why our justice system doesn't incarcerate Trump is beyond me. Taking away his play toys and his internet connection would be incredible. Maybe then, he might just reflect on the serious position he is currently in.

  19. None of this matters unless they are willing to put Trump in jail.

  20. Every time Trump speaks I hear, poor me, everyone's picking on me, everyone needs to fight for me.

    Trump is running for President of America, right?

    What I don't hear are any detailed plans to make life for Americans better, safer, healthier, better educated or investments in our future.


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