Wednesday, April 24, 2024

AMERICAN TAPESTRY:...Life In A Gutless, Runaway Country...Politics At The End Of A Gun...No Time For Laughs...We Can All Use A Drink...



RIO GRANDE CITY, Texas |...Once, I used to think this world was nothing more than the universe's side-of-the-road outhouse. There were many clues someone could use to point to that. I chose to just think it and believe it.

What was it Moses said ahead of his journey to Egypt: "Lordy Lord, I'd rather be the morning DJ at WKRP."

In any case, my assessment of life on this planet dives every other day. I feel good killing a greasy cheeseburger and Scotch at my favorite bar and then I reel at the crap I must face before I can do it again. There has to be a better life after this life.

My former girlfriend Laura has been drinking again. I mean, really drinking. Where once she would happily buy six-packs of fruited yogurt (banana, black cherry), she now buys her beer in quarts. I do admire her for that, as most women for some reason disdain beer bottles of such an imposing size.

Laura chugs it while watching Judge Judy on TV in the afternoon.

She laughs and offers biting commentary during the show, always anti-defendant. When I first met her some eight years ago, she was a fine woman, or as most Texas men would say, "A right-nice piece of ass."

Today, she is an alcoholic. No meetings for her. She likes being a lush. I admire her for that, too. Laura knows, she damned-straight knows she also lives in this ragged, God-abandoned planet.

At popular Kelly's Lounge tonight, I'll spring for a few rounds, sit back and talk some memorable romance with her and watch Laura fall into the Greatest of Abysses.

The deep as all-get-out Mariana Trench over in the Pacific has nothing on alcoholic depths...



  1. Kelly's on North 10th Street. Haven't been there.

  2. Feeling it, too. What a drag we've fallen into.

    1. Big celebration after Trump's out of the picture. He's been worse than Covid!

    2. God is on the side of good. We will soon celebrate!

  3. Maybe after Trump is convicted we can get back to normal..

    1. Trump still believes in the power of a mob. He thinks court verdicts can be influenced by a crowd of supporters. It didn't work on Congress; it won't work in court.

    2. I keep asking myself, how was this man ever elected president. The fact that no Trump family members are in court, speaks volumes.

    3. Where's Melania?

    4. It's really telling how many people are 'there' for Trump during this trial - not one family member has been in court & well - he has no friends - and his loyal fans are kinda busy - yesterday there was literally 1 PERSON outside the courthouse for him. Actions speak louder than words...

  4. Tomorrow, the Supreme Court takes up Trump's claim of 'absolute immunity' from criminal prosecution. Beginning of the end? Hope so,

  5. Crazy town train is coming into the station.

    1. What - is Mayra Flores in town!

    2. Mayra is damning her homeland for not monitoring water sharing with U.S. But she's so Mexican-looking!

    3. 15th District Republican Monica De la Cruz is, too. Must be a Republican Party talking point. Sad our Mexican women are being used this way.

    4. Mayra just doesn't inspire me. There's something off about her. i mean, is it really her saying those things, or is it some clown from up north putting it all in her mouth? She's not a candidate for Mensa.

  6. Voter ID, Voter ID, Voter ID. As if that's the only voting policy Republican legislative bodies have changed. False. They've also CLOSED polling stations in districts that lean democratic, banned same-day registrations, shortened voting hours, and purging voters after only missing one election cycle. They've even banned providing water provisions for those standing hours in line. How does that promote election integrity? Answer: It doesn't, and they know it.

  7. They say that right after we die we go through a life review and it can be painful or pleasurable depending on what kind of person we were in life. Well Dump is getting his a little earlier than expected and it’s looking long and painful!

  8. Republicans are all up in arms after one of their own - Congressman Tony Gonzales of Texas - called them all "scumbags." LOL!!!!!

  9. All of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet are happy to contribute and serve under Biden and ALL want to come back and serve in a second Administration.

    NONE of Trump’s Cabinet Secretaries, NONE want to ever serve under him again.

    Think about that for a moment.

    1. Trump left Rudy Giuliani gasping for his life! Poor Rudy. he thought Trump would help him. LOL!!!!!!

  10. Well, if you miss this trial there’ll be another one soon.

  11. Gullible Trump supports might still believe that every charge against him is political, and others will observe that it is on brand for Trump. The fallout over the next six months will be insane. Which politicians will stick by Trump, who will run in the other direction, and what will it cost them. Hopefully sanity returns on the other side.

  12. I don't understand how anyone can "buy" the news.

    1. Trump was buying it to bury it.

  13. Too many to throw in one film.

  14. Every single day people my age are leaving the Trump base. Thanks to you, many young people are leaving his base. Every Single Day. Dump does not stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning this next election.

  15. The only gagging going on is the jurors when Trump lets one rip in court.

  16. Keep calling out the lies. I'm so happy that Biden is finally fighting back and calling out Trump lies. Vote, Vote, Vote....VOTE BLUE!!!!

  17. Democrats are overperforming, doing for Americans. Republicans are hung-up on Trump, doing for Trump.

  18. At lunch. America is messed-up. No question about it. All because of one dude, the Orange Blob. I, for one, can't wait to get back to normal.

  19. Trump you are no longer in grade school. Those cries don't work anymore. You are right about one thing. There are many people that don't like you. You can include me in that group.

  20. Who cares how much money the TRAITOR raises by being in jail? If fools want to throw their dollars into a dumpster fire who am I to stop them? Anyone else who behaved like this would have been jailed months ago. Lock him up!

  21. Lying fatboy George Santos has dropped out of his congressional race. I think he just wanted to get donations to fund his legal defense.

    Wait, doesn't that also sound like someone else?

  22. This judge Merchan is showing the rest of the judges how to deal with trump.

  23. Arizona House advances repeal of 1864 abortion ban to Senate. The state is already turning blue. Between the 2020 and 2022 elections, Arizona picked up a Democratic governor, Democratic senator, Democratic majority in House seats, Democratic state attorney general, and more.

  24. I agree with you guys: Pecker's testimony alone was far more damning than I had anticipated. Unless a loyalist somehow slipped through the cracks and got onto the jury, Trump is hosed.

  25. There is such a difference between the two men. Biden is a leader who listens. Vote blue....................................

  26. The Supreme Cour has already wasted an unimaginable amount of time by letting Trump get away with this "immunity" question unanswered. How inept!


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