Sunday, March 17, 2024

ROYALS:...For Stuffy Brits, A Rolling Film About Lust And Disgust...They Can't Catch A Break...Is There Yet Another Coming Marital Split?...Ah! A Tranche Of Gossip Material At The Palace Gates...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's a wild and goofy family, a rare one without a care for lodging or money. We speak of the English Royals. My, what a crowd. Always all dolled-up and everywhere to go. Is there an equal in America? Not hardly.

These people are strange.

Lately, and this follows the abdication of the throne by the prince who fell in love with American squeeze Wallis Simpson, the jovial ascent of Queen Elizabeth, the dilly-dallying and death of Princess Diana, the interracial marriage and lingering fallout of Prince Harry.

Enter Kate Middleton, next in line for the Big Act if husband William has, indeed, kept it in his pants. She's been in the news perhaps more than she's wanted to, although one never knows about that with the publicity-hungry crown.

The ongoing mess has all to do with, not adultery on her part, but with floating a doctored photograph of family life, one seemingly innocent as all get-out, but fake, which the press simply loathes. (see it above and below, lads and lassies)

A host of mainstream news organizations led by The Associated Press, Agence France Presse and Reuters accepted the photo as being real, released it to their members and subscribers...and then stunningly issued a "kill order," meaning all were disavowing its genuineness. The shot had been photoshopped; that is, altered, and altered rather amateurishly, as it turned out.

And altered by Princess Katherine, i.e. Kate.

Weirdly, this particular P.R. mess had followed her admission into a hospital for some unknown treatment. Some wags speculated the woe rested with painful abdominal disarray. Others said she'd been in for a mastectomy or an abortion. Still others said the hospitalization had come after Kate had discovered hubby William's affair with a married woman named Hanbury, one he already had a child with, even.

Yeah, you think Henry VIII was mad at Catherine of Aragon?

Not even close. That fat Henry had his eye on Anne Boleyn, a better-looking chick, and he'd wanted the Pope to annul the marriage to the Aragon woman. The Pope said no, Henry VIII got angry, quickly bolted the Catholic Church and began the Episcopalian movement.

Will Kate go ape?

She's troubled, yes. Husband William isn't saying a word. The entire episode smacks of a British mystery nicely cloaked in secrecy, with a smattering of juicy tidbits crawling the castle walls. Is celebrated Englishman Peter Sellers in the house? The Pink Panther would be the one to get to the bottom of this.

But we shine the flashlight on poor Kate. It wasn't that long ago (last Christmas?) that she was still riding high after the bizarre Prince Harry/Meghan Markle departure from the Royal Fold. It was Kate who seemed to hold the troupe together while Harry and Meghan dropped serious allegations of racism and, well, get-along problems within the star-crossed family.

And then King Charles learned he had cancer.

Jeepers, creepers, what other veloured disaster can befall this clan?...



  1. Incest! Or that's what I've read about such families.

  2. I'm not much of a royal watcher, but this one has me intrigued. Maybe if William had married a younger woman. Kate is 42, he is 41. Diana brought the glitz to the palace. Kate, I thought, was not that sort of show-off...Her anger likely has to do with William fathering a kid with another woman, if he did...You write it....

    1. The article said Rose Hanbury is a former model....from what I see that had to be LONG ago! WOW! The princess is quite elegant looking....the supposed mistress.....NO!

    2. Both William and his father downgraded from their wives. Why the homely women?

      Charles and William have the identical legacy, a cheating heart.

      Rose Hanbury and Camila are ugly, hence overeager to please in the sack- qualities. Willie and his Pa admire over their beautiful and respectable wives.

  3. A dysfunctional palace? What a surprise. NOT!

    1. Usually the mistress plays up to the ego of the man. Where the stronger wife, tells it like it is. Look at Rose history with the royals, her education and friendship. Ugh. It is her husband who is a friend of William. A mistress is a mistress is a mistress. Camila even as queen has not shaken that stigma. They will always be the mistress and in the shadows. Never the woman in the public's eye.

    2. You said it, mate.

  4. Where was all this concern while Meghan was being attacked by the media multiple times a day? When every single thing she did or didn't do was nitpicked over to the point where it was obvious that there was nothing she could do to measure up. When she was mocked and ridiculed for maintaining the most minimal of boundaries? It was fine for her to have to endure that, but not the English Rose apparently.

  5. The British press roasted Meghan, but then she was an American. It was to be expected, I'd say, but at least she got out of that dirty web.

  6. the Monarchy is being a joke. PUT a current picture out with her and her children NOW.

  7. The most likely theory on the Princess of Wales, is that she had a hysterectomy. I think she wanted to take four months off to recover. Apparently, she doesn't want the public to know about her condition, and it is her choice.

  8. Bad teeth in that country.

  9. Just like Dad, Grandpa, and Great Grandpa. It’s a family tradition. And they all had affairs with women a lot less attractive than their wives.

    1. King Charles left Diana for horse-faced Camilla. That was weird.

  10. Replies
    1. I am the walrus.

      Goo goo g'joob

    2. John has been dead 44 years, George now going on 24 years.

    3. John Lennon would beat his first wife, Cynthia, with his feet. He never touched Yoko.

    4. george moved on Ringo's first wife. Laid her.

    5. That George got around. Also shared a wife with Eric Clapton.

    6. Paul has had how many wives? One only had one leg, although she had a pretty face.

  11. Royal watchers should be ready to dehumanize Kate like they did Harry and Meghan once the royal handlers see it's best to sacrifice Kate for Williams shortcomings.

    1. The British Press is aggressive and snide, I don't have a royal family, some lady is sick, or not, not my problem.

  12. Kate joined in on the Meghan Markle bashing by the royals. She will receive the same treatment she gave to others.

  13. But, boy, everyone surely thinks that William and Kate are such happy people because every single picture of them show them smiling, even as they take kids to school or go get groceries. When the pictures are taken by paparazzi at unscheduled/unstaged times, we see their real dispositions.

  14. Out with the royals! Enough claiming "royal" blood and referring to people as princesses. It's so ridiculous and insulting!

  15. Harry & Meghan are not buying into the drama surrounding Kate. Good for them. As for the haters Meghan did not do it!!!!

  16. Odd inconsistencies.

    But the seem to be minor? Seems like a stretch to say she cut and paste the queen in.

    If she did photoshop all these pics, the media is going to be furious.

    She will see what happens to princesses who lie to the press.


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