Saturday, March 2, 2024

BORDER WALL:...Hollywood Film Director John Sayles Has His Say...Well, It's One Man's, Uh, Physical Response To The Mess...Urinate On It?...



McALLEN, Texas |...That danged border wall. It sure engenders all sorts of thoughts and ideas. Build it now. Stop illegal migration. Fund it at whatever cost. Erect the sumbitch. Do it once and for all, or, son, shut the Hell up.

Movie director John Sayles, shown in phot above, says all that, and then he tells you he walked up to a piece of it and...pissed on it.

Well, these are his words, according to the ". . .I don’t think we’ve made any progress on border issues since the movie was made. Back then, it didn’t have the same tension. The border patrol would just say no me hagas correr to illegal immigrants – don’t make me run – and deport them. I don’t think a wall is the answer: it’s like a Christo installation that has cost billions of dollars. I recently visited it with a friend and we urinated on it."

Well, yeah.

John Sayles knows the border. His acclaimed 1996 movie - Lone Star - depicted life along the southern one, a flick labeled a "racial drama," although it was pretty western. Brownsville's own Kris Kristofferson plays a racist sheriff, Charlie Wade, who could easily be played by Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott if pro-wall Abbott would lose his handicap.

Who knows where this all will end?

The luckless Mexican Border is today's over-inflated football in American politics. Both of our major parties - Democrats and Republicans - use it to push their dogma onward with voters. This is an election year, so the talk, never mind the action, is magnified.

Lone Star is still available on Netflix and, sure, you can go urinate on the existing Border Wall if you can find a spot not being watched by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Perhaps movie dude Sayles has the perfect way to rid yourself of any angst or anger associated with the state of Texas border politics.

Drink up a few beers and let the kidneys do their thing, yeah...



  1. Everyone's got an opinion.

  2. That was a great movie. True border stuff. racist sheriff was convincing, like in real life.

  3. The most often used phrase in the History of print media "Donald Trump makes false claim in speech"

  4. Border Wall will never be built, not all along the 1,600-miles long border. Insanely expensive, for one!

    1. This SCOTUS ruling broke my spirit. I give up. vote vote vote VOTE BLUE!!!!

  5. I haven't seen you at the restaurant lately but i was told you're back on the blog. Thanks.

    1. Well, I was away for a few days. But I was there this morning, as were most of the old regulars...



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