Friday, February 9, 2024

THE DEFENDANT:...Donald Trump And The U.S. Supreme Court..."Absolute Immunity?" ...A Legitimate Candidate?... Next Monday Will Tell...



McALLEN, Texas |...One up and it appears one down for Donald J. Trump at the U.S. Supreme Court. He seems to have won his fight to stay on the ballot in Colorado. Yesterday's wrangling at the nation's high court went mostly his way. The Supremes sort of sided with him.

There is no final ruling on that yet, but it's political peristalsis - the crap forcing itself down the country's intestines.

Next Monday brings something else for the 77-year-old Republican presidential candidate weathering storm after storm after storm. That's the deadline for any appeal Trump may lodge with the same court on that "absolute immunity" request he insists on but that was shot down by the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. last week. Shot down unanimously.

That ruling would seemingly clear the way for his insurrection trial, but would hold if the Supreme Court accepts the case. Word is it won't.

But, as all of us know, these are not normal times, and the court of last resort has been a bit squirrelly of late. This give & take with lawyers and those of the government this week on Colorado's desire to keep Trump off its ballot in the General Election has been anything but predictable.

The court hemmed & hawed, took commentary and posed questions. According to legal scholars and our best political pundits, Trump took the day. And, well, he thought so, too, issuing end-of-the-day comments that went to full victory. He'll stay on the Colorado ballot.

Those same learned observers aren't as sure about the immunity thing. Trumps insists on it; most say he's dreaming or hallucinating.

This from [The next step is for Trump to seek review at the Court of Appeals ruling. The DC Circuit delayed the date when the case is official - the “mandate” - to Monday, February 12, giving Trump a chance to ask the Supreme Court to step in and put the DC Circuit’s opinion on hold.

The Supreme Court should decline the invitation and instead allow the trial to proceed. The country needs to know whether Trump is convicted of these crimes before the November election. ]

It's a bad helicopter ride to the bottom of the Grand Canyon for the nation when its high-government legal matters drag on. Most law-abiding Americans might recall the pardon former President Gerald Ford gifted Richard M. Nixon following that Watergate break-in mess that saw him resign the presidency. Ford said he did it to put an end the country's "nightmare." It also kept Nixon out of jail.

Political games are one thing. Dances in our highest courts are quite something else. The nation cannot look away when our leaders are afforded either special treatment or seemingly liberal commentary and results. Trump is having his days in court. It's a slower-than-usual clock at the court of appeals and at the Supreme Court. Rulings take time.

And most Americans are largely okay with that, except in the case of Donald Trump. Or, we should say, in the many cases of Donald Trump.

Is the guy with four criminal cases and 91 felonies on his back eligible to seek the presidency or is he not. That's the simple question.

Answer based on constitutional law and be done with it.

This is the U.S. Supreme Court, not some lower court where rulings can and often go challenged and at times overturned. Deal with it. Americans can handle it if rulings arrive armed with standing and are explained, for the most part, to the general public's satisfaction.

Colorado took a stand against Trump, saying he was unworthy of seeking the presidency. Supreme Court justices, even the liberal ones, seem to believe otherwise. Fine.

That "absolute immunity" case brings something else altogether.

"Absolute immunity?"

Obscenity, we say.

No one is above the law. The charges against Trump are just that, charges. Get him to trial and let's resolve this mess. If a court or jury finds him not guilty, well, we'll handle that. If not, he should pay the price.

Drum the intro and cue the choir: "...No one is above the law."

Only, so far Trump is at arm's length of the law. The U.S. Supreme Court needs to sing the refrain...



  1. Trump was NOT simply doing his job, and that is the problem. Folks can argue for the rest of their lives about it, but he did nothing for over 3 hours.

    Meadows, Jared, Ivanka, McConnell, Graham and a lot of others were telling to him to stop it and he refused. That is a fact that you cannot argue.

    1. Well, we the People did fire his conniving, lying, grifting butt in 2020..we can vote Blue in 2024 to prevent him from ever being President again!

    2. “Let the people decide” that’s a pretty interesting concept coming from a country where the electorate votes override the people’s vote.

  2. Off to work, but: Trump doesn’t have to be charged with insurrection. The wording in the 14th amendment includes giving support or comfort to insurrectionists, which he did. Even recently he promised to pardon those who participated in the January 6th invasion.

    1. The Supreme Court is sugar coating this decision. Insurrection has a clear definition. If the SC is concerned that ruling in favor of Colorado will allow states to remove any candidate they chose, the answer is a clear No it will not. The candidate cannot be removed simply because a state does not like them. Candidates can be removed if they are involved in an insurrection - and as of now only one candidate fits that requirement. Also, Not just one state will decide who will be President, this decision will affect and lead all fifty states on what action to take.

      Step up to bar members of the SC.

  3. Saw this. FBI foils 2022 plot by militiamen to “start a war” at the Texas-Mexico border.

  4. MAGA is the cancer.

  5. Do these Republican Maggots know anything about a Civil War. The orange Mussolini has these maggots brainwashed. I wonder who they supported before the orange Mussolini came along?

  6. As a person from Mexico, it amazes me that one person can bring the most powerful country to its knees.

  7. I'm a 73 year old lifelong Republican from Brownsville who voted for Trump in 2016 but voted for Biden in 2020. Even though I don't care for President Biden's border policy, if it comes down to a 2020 re-match this year, I'll vote for Joe Biden again.

  8. FYI: Robert K. Hur, the guy who issued that "elderly" report on Joe a Republican!!!

    1. Yes, that's true. But Hur was appointed by Merrick Garland. It's troubling that he says he found evidence of wrongdoing but did not offer support of charges because Joe Biden is "elderly." That's a crock. In its lameness, it does mirror the report issued by Robert Mueller against Trump, however. The "elderly" part lapped on the president is and will keep being a Republican talking point all during this 2024 campaign...even as we also know Trump will be 78 this summer...

    2. Merrick Garland has a lot to answer for. He's so desperate to appear non-partisan that he chose a Trump appointed special counsel to handle this... did he really think Hur was going to have the same problem with appearing political?


  10. There are many people right now sitting in prison due to participation in the insurrection on 1/6. Not sure how anyone says no one has been charged and convicted. Trump participated by inciting his followers to march on the capital and not just protest but to use force. I'm seriously amazed at the level of denial by conservative, Maga, & evangelical Republicans. Trump will absolutely destroy this country and take freedoms away. He only thinks of himself. He is the ultimate con man, and he has Republicans seriously conned. It is so sad to see the destruction of the Republican Party. May it rest in peace.

    1. It is dead. Been taken over by MAGA and Republicans let it happen. Raped by morons.

  11. SUPER BOWL: Kansas City 37 San Francisco 15

  12. Put Trump in jail already! It's like everybody in the country now has a rope made out of shit around their necks! Orange MOFO!

  13. Biden being old is not that big of an issue. He's old. He has advisors and help. But at least he's not an asshole. Trump is!

  14. The Supreme Court is already a clown car!

  15. Taylor Swift is an American citizen who has the right to voice her opinion as much as Trump does. She has amazing Courage and strength to help people see how Trump and Maga's are a threat to our Democracy! Thank you, Taylor, for your effort! Keep up the good work! Trump is a horrible American!!!

    1. Nah. Online stories say Republicans, especially the young ones under 70, are sticking by Taylor.

  16. Don't we all miss the good old days and the articulate speech of George W. Bush? Just saying.

    1. Ha ha. Good one. You mean dummy W.? LOL!!!

  17. It is likely Trump's DC/J6 trial will happen before the election. When reporting of Trump's inner circle testifying against him breaks (daily) over a period of months, Trump's criminal actions will be revealed and his presidential run is over.

    MAGA will be forced to confront the ugly criminal truths directly from the mouths of Trump's lawyers, his employees and ex-employees, his WH Administration, his family members -- all republicans! The facts will be brutal and his conviction inevitable.

  18. I say it doesn't matter how SCOTUS rules. Republican TX governor Abbott said states can ignore SCOTUS rulings (and others sided with him). So leave Trump off the ballot.

  19. The Republican party will stop at nothing to show how they are loyal to Trump. We, the People must end this show of horrors, and that's "reality"...VOTE🔵

  20. The fact that the spouse of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas openly aided and supported an insurrection is insane. What's even more insane is that Supreme Court Justice Thomas is not recusing himself from a decision about that same insurrection. Open and blatant corruption is a key sign of fascism.

    1. I tend to believe, as do some others, that the Supreme Court will give Trump a victory in the Colorado ballot case and then sting him in the "immunity" case. And I do agree that awfully-soiled Clarence Thomas should have been kept out of this entirely. His wife is a Trump operative...

    2. Trump's going to look at this Supreme Court decision like it a green light to be more crazy than he is now.

  21. For me it is simple and I will vote for Joe Biden because he's not nuts. I don't care about anything else.

  22. I do not see any value of SCOTUS hearing the case.

    I do see delaying trial as part of running out the clock to escape prosecution

    SCOTUS could answer the immunity question immediately as per any American could. In America, no one is above the law.

    That is what I was taught in school and heard politicians say.

  23. Indiana sends National Guard to southern border at Texas’s request. Abbott calling for reinforcements? LOL!!!!

    1. Abbott keeps pouring gas on the fire.

  24. Hawaii has a bill going through their Legislature keeping Trump off state ballots. The measure has passed the House and is in the Senate.

  25. I am Voting for Biden/Harris and Voting to turn Congress BLUE! We need to send a clear message to the present GOP, enough is enough with their corruption and their Anti-America Agenda.


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