Saturday, February 10, 2024

REPUBLICANS:...They're Out To Play "The Big Lie" Card... Coup, Baby, Coup...Will Not Accept Defeat In 2024...Elise Stefanik Is Sick Party's Poster Child...



McALLEN, Texas |...They tried in 2020 and they'll take it one step farther in 2024. Dry runs take on a certain look and that insurrection at the U.S. Capitol serves as a ready model for what's to come. The election will take place, only Republicans will not accept a defeat. Not in the presidential race.

America is staring at a wilder coup attempt.

We all keep reading about it, and it appears the message is settling-in. Nicely, I'd say. Perhaps that's what it means to always be ready to fight for our freedoms. Military veterans know of those occasional, ever-gnawing setbacks; this one will have to be dealt with accordingly.

When a Republican is being looked-at as a potential vice-president, well, we expect smart and useful dialogue, not talk of coups and political disarray. There's New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, for example. She's said to be at - or near - the top of reptilian Republican Donald J. Trump's second-banana list.

Is she up to the job? Maybe politically, but certainly not civilly.

This from [ Elise Stefanik (shown at left) is ready and willing to put Donald Trump before country and state. On Thursday, the MAGA lawmaker all but admitted she would definitely have done a coup and not certified the 2020 presidential election results on January 6 if she were in former Vice President Mike Pence’s shoes.

"Had you been vice president on January 6, 2021, what would you have done?" asked CNN’s Kaitlin Collins.

"I would not have done what Mike Pence did, I don’t think that was the right approach. I specifically stand by what I said on the House floor, and I stand by my statement, which was that there was unconstitutional overreach, there was unconstitutional overreach in states like Pennsylvania," Stefanik responded.

"I think it’s very important that we continue to stand up for the Constitution and have legal and secure elections, which we did not have in 2020, and tens of millions of Americans agree with me," she added. ]

As noted in the write-up, Stefanik's throwaway line of claiming to stand for the protection of the U.S. Constitution contradicts Pence’s own defense of his decision to certify the votes, effectively making Joe Biden the next president.

As Pence put it in an interview with the Des Moines Register, "By God’s grace, I did my duty that day. I had no right to overturn the election. And the American people deserve to know that the president asked me to choose him over keeping my oath to the Constitution, but I chose the Constitution. And I always will."

And it's not just Stefanik. Dozens of other Republicans - most all in Congress - have lined-up behind Trump's current campaign for the White House - even as he lugs four criminal cases and 91 felonies on his hefty back.

It's no longer an idle political threat.

Republicans are the lesser grouping in our national political contests. They know it. And they have little else to fight with at the ballot box. Noise and bellicose posturing is their game.

Fatty Stefanik, an unaccomplished, run-of-the-mill congressional hag up until now, has seen her profile grow in stature.

Putting out wild shit will do that in our stormy political climate...



  1. Being a logical person, you have to look at this logically...

    By all accords, in the democrats world, Biden won the election. Biden was being certified by congress. The violent mob started their incursion into the capitol to stop that very certifying process. Why would democrats want to stop the certifying of their candidate?


    The one man that lost the election, who had everything to lose by the certification process, tried to stop or at least delay that process so they could get their slates of "alternate" electors in.

    Now looking at the two scenarios, who do you think would cause the insurrection?

  2. I still have to wonder at those who come out for the ex, and against those who would call him out for his misdeeds. As far as the faithful go, you have the option of being a door mat, or a door. A door mat eventually ends up being thrown out.

  3. What's mind blowing is, Donald Trump is still free to keep breaking the law. He should be locked up by now without bail

    1. Either this man knows something we don’t know about him actually winning the election OR he’s completely delusional as no sane person would say out loud in public what harm he will inflict on our country….

      Pay much more attention to this guy, he knows just how INSANE AND DANGEROUS this 2024 election will be 😮

  4. My God, what have we become? When grandma's make-up looked like Trump's, we took away her license and checkbook. We didn't replace them with a microphone and an audience.

    1. LOL. Best comment here ever!

    2. Trump is an atheist in a closet.

    3. Conman. But MAGA can't see it. That's how dumb they are.

  5. Biden, there are still 81 million, now many more, that believe in you. Hang in there. Your age and experience DO make you the best, if not only, person to lead us through these times.

  6. Tucker, Marjorie, Boebert, Mayra and their ilk all need to pack up and move to Russia.

  7. The American president should be held to a higher standard. If Trump is above the law, so am I!!!!

    1. could I delay my trial by filing dozens of appeals? NO!!!

  8. As a 50 year old white man I can attest to the accuracy of the postings here. I have weekly conversations with white men I know who will swear up and down that they don't get jobs or promotions because of who they are. They can't say what they think at work, they are disadvantaged in social setting, portrayed as bad guys in movies, viewed as out of touch with society, etc. A lot of this is very, very overblown and doesn't take into account some of their very odious personalities. But the feeling is real for them and is definitely correlated with support for Trump.

  9. It's getting serious here in our own backyard too. Do stories on our local politicians.

    1. Monica De La Cruz is our Republican congresswoman. She's Mexican but doesn't think so.

    2. A Mexican Republican - like Mayra. Both worthless in the eyes of our culture.

    3. @11:58 You got that right!

  10. I prefer a President who confuses his words and runs a great economy than one who confuses his words, commits sexual assault and tries to overthrow the government.

  11. Trump lost me when he said he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters" back in January of 2016. Trump got a lot worse since then. 🌊🌊2024

    1. I hope Biden is re-elected, we need an adult as President!!!

    2. Criminal/thug Trump should be running in Panama or El Salvador, not here!

  12. Trump wouldn't be trying for so many delays and appeals if he weren't guilty. He'd want to get it over with so he could run in peace. Lock him up. He's not above the law. If he wasn't guilty, he wouldn't be trying to claim immunity.

    1. Well, because he's NOT innocent. Hell, we all know that! Jail him.

    2. Trump knows he's guilty as sin. He just wants to weasel out of it. I'd kick his face in if given the chance.

    3. I'm embarrassed. The U.S. always holds foreign leaders accountable, but not our own losers? Donald Trump may as well be Manuel Noriega and Khadafy and Hussein! JMHO

  13. Trump supporters have the strangest ways to justify him. Even with his history of pussy grabbing & infidelity to his WIVES, sexual assault and paying hookers for their silence. When he says he grabs women by the pussy they don't believe it!

    He took several deferments so he wouldn't have to serve in the military for fabricated excuses, cheats on his taxes and says over and over how much he thinks America sucks. With absolutely no proof he does, when he says he loves America his followers believe it like its coming from a burning bush. Ironically Trump wouldn't know what "coming from a burning bush means"!

  14. Just wondering: Editor, what valley blogs or news sites do you like and follow?

    1. I read first, followed by, I wrote for the AP (Associated Press) in Denver and remain convinced that it does not mess with story angles or takes sides. I also wrote for The Boston Globe and know that it holds hard to straightforward traditional Journalism, although it's mainly an East Coast publication. Locally, I am amused by the valley's blogs and rarely read the daily newspaper, i.e. The McAllen Monitor. The RGV, I say, deserves better Journalism...

  15. Immigration could bolster U.S. economy by $7 trillion over next decade, study finds.

    The Congressional Budget Office estimate comes amid a fierce political debate in Washington over the surge of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border.

  16. Demagogues like Trump can only hide behind falsehoods and prejudices for so long. At some point they must confront their biggest enemy, the truth. For Trump, this means answering to a legal system, a system which doesn't care about his rhetoric. That rhetoric may work on voters but not judges. They instead want the truth.

    1. It's just taking too long. Americans want justice. There is so much evidence against Trump!

  17. Love it! I am new here. I saw a note on the student center at UT-RGV and here I am. Great writing.


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