Wednesday, February 7, 2024

NOW THIS:...Appeals Court Drops Sledgehammer...Trump Is "Citizen Trump"...Nothing More, Nothing Less...Ruling Is "Nation-Destroying"...That's His Lame Opinion...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Oh, no. They are telling Donald Trump that he's just like you and me - a run-of-the-mill citizen and nothing more. No special place in the mob, nothing to set him apart.

That was the kinda-expected verdict from a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., when a three-judge panel of learned jurists told Trump his claim to "presidential immunity" for life was bullshit.

From [ The long-awaited 57-page ruling is not full of fiery rhetoric. But it does contain a few sharp punches aimed at Trump’s contention that a president should possess king-like power. The court said Trump has no special standing as a former president:

For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution.

Trump argued that potential prosecution in the future could chill presidential action. The court said, "No way." ]

Well, of course no way. That Trump sought a favorable ruling is all-Trump. We know he will go for it in such situations. What the Hell. You never know, right?

But he will appeal. That's his M.O. Take this one step further, to the U.S. Supreme Court. After getting word on the ruling, Trump let go his usual angry rant, damning it on social media and even labeling it "nation-destroying," as if...

It is not nation-destroying. It is not a bad ruling. It is not something most Americans will even wonder about; everybody except the 77-year-old Trump expected it. Fellow Republicans in the pro-Trump House of Representatives went ahead and filed a motion to erase everything connecting Trump with the U.S. Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021.

As if that would absolve him of blame and potential prosecution and jailing. Not since the extended family of Hippie Moses asked why he was being dispatched to Egypt has an answer been known way ahead of its arrival. Moses dilly-dallied, but he showed-up there at the end.

Trump, we fear, won't show up. He wants the Supreme Court to overturn the appeals court ruling, knowing, of course, that three of the associate justices are three he appointed and, well, what's so wrong with a little benevolent payback? I mean, it's a lifetime gig, and he fingered them for the job.

But the nation's high court may tell Trump it will stay out of it and let the lower court ruling stand, which would, we know, bring forth perhaps the wildest, most-profane attack ever endured by our once-hallowed Supreme Court. Donald Trump could not care less for our institutions; they are there either for him for or smashing.

We shall see.

Still, it is a breath of fresh air whenever you hear Trump taking a fall. He remains "above the law," only, little by little, his veneer dusts-up enough to dirty his ass. Lugging four criminal cases and facing 91 felonies would seem to be too much, as Moses might say about tremendous tasks. Yes, he's done it so far, however.

Not that we wish to compare him entirely to Good Ol' Moses, but we couldn't this to the pro football field and tell you Trump was facing a 95-yard drive late in the game with less than a minute to go and the refs out to throw penalty flags as if confetti. Why soil pro football, we say.

This morning, we are somewhat assuaged knowing Trump likely had a bad overnight. Did he even sleep? It has to wear on you. He's human, or so we are led to believe.

The appeals court ruling saying he is "Citizen Trump" will stand. Yes, the legal delays will continue until they don't. They do say the wheels of justice will turn slowly. Tomorrow is another day and that brings us closer to closure with this guy. 

Now, let's proceed with the also-predictable trials...



  1. You mean "Russian Citizen Trump."

  2. What the trump supporters don't realize with Trump's claim of absolute immunity is that if it were true then President Biden could literally put Trump in jail for no reason.

  3. The states that haven't removed Trump from the ballot for constitutional reasons are remiss in their duties, unless restricted by state law. Which you'd think is overridden by federal law and the Constitution.

    Lock Trump and his gang up for their unending attempts to subvert democracy and the will of the people. They've pointed out that the electoral college is a weak link in free and fair elections. Popular vote should be the vote that counts. One person, one vote. No slates of 'fake' electors possible.

    1. The 2024 presidential election is stranger than strange. You have potentially the two oldest candidates, both with memory issues running for our nation's highest office. I'm a senior citizen but I know enough that cognitive issues come with age and I experience it from time to time. I can't believe this is the best we can do.

  4. IMAGINE: Trump disqualified from office. Like, Forever.

    1. Supreme Court Hopefully doesn't make this political, meaning only the constitution matters. Legal law by the texts alone should make this 9-0 decision to uphold the Colorado Supreme Court decision. Anything less would be political.

    2. 2 House Republicans push back against claims that a president can easily fix the border: 'Why didn't Trump just shut down the border? He couldn't.'

  5. Will soiled Justice Clarence Thomas recuse himself. That's my question.

  6. Can no one really just stand up and say we have had enough of Trumps mouth and lies for how many years now ...let the criminal go to jail already that's the best thing we can do for this country

  7. Two failed votes on the same day. Votes have consequences. Remember this when voting later this year, because the dysfuction in the GOP controlled House is a national embarrassment. Trump is running their little sideshow and they give him what he wants...more dysfuction, since he wants to demagogue his way up to election day. But having no plans to govern responsibly will come back to bite them when the electorate gets to say how they feel about this derelection of duty by the House of Representatives. It may well play to their base, but you can bet it won't play to the rest of the country. What "accomplishments" can they point to in the general election?

  8. I absolutely love it when the Lincoln Project triggers citizen Trump.

  9. Republicans have realized if they actually did something on the border then they would lose their talking points. The deal isn’t perfect and both sides don’t like it. That makes it a good deal.

  10. The more delays from Donald Trump, the longer America has to wait for justice. Hold him accountable now!

    Keep in mind, Trump has lost 4 times to this Supreme Court since leaving office.

    1. Republicans don’t have an agenda other than obstruct whatever the Democrats are proposing. That’s their loser game plan.

  11. You speak for many of us, keep it up!
    💙 VOTE BLUE 💙

  12. Headline: Trump plans to press immunity defense in classified documents case despite defeat in appeals court

  13. For everyone confused about the Ukraine funding - it was the REPUBLICANS who first wanted to put aid in the bill for Ukraine along with their toughest border package to date with the intentions that the Democrats would never agree to it. But the Democrats did, so now the Republicans (who got everything they wanted in the bill) are moving the goal post because they never wanted a solution on the border until after the election.

  14. Citizen Trump needs to come to terms with himself.

    He is not above the law he is a criminal who staged interference with the White House JANUARY 6th 2021 with his merry band of armed supporters.

    1. No one is above the law! No one!!! End of discussion.

  15. You are dealing with a Cult. Not a political party. this is the problem.

  16. My Republican uncle says celebrities should stay out of it. I say TAYLOR SWIFT AND LEBRON JAMES CAN SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, YOU RACIST REPUBLICAN PIGS!!!!

  17. I wonder what the Supreme Court will do if Trump becomes a Dictator. There won't be a need for them anymore.

  18. I see where FOX moron Tucker Carlson is in Russia to interview the murderer Putin. I expect if Tucker did talk with Putin, he delivered a letter from Trump - asking for help getting elected. Carlson is a traitor who should be deported immediately.

  19. This Supreme Court ruling on Trump will tell the world whether our form of government and our country are sound or not. No person in our country is above our laws. To rule otherwise is to rule to destroy our constitution and our way of life as we know it. This must be decided soon to help restore confidence in our nation and its leaders.

  20. That bad court ruling he got on his claim to eternal immunity?

    "It was a devastating moment for Trump, especially when Melania started clapping....."

  21. What became of that God's Army headed for Eagle Pass? Did they stop the millions of migrants? Poor residents put up with those Redneck morons. Governor Abbott should apologize to Eagle Pass.

  22. God Bless this Great Nation!

  23. If Trump doesn't insult your intelligence, you probably don't have any!

  24. The problem with small, minded Trump people is that their mouth is always open.

  25. OMG!!! Republicans cry close the border? How does that look like? And is that just the Southern border? How about closing down the other borders? If close down a border, nothing goes out and nothing comes in. Is that what you mean? These people are truly idiots they don't understand how Government works.

  26. The Republicans must assume that there aren't enough Americans who can recognize the damage that they are DELIBERATELY doing to stifle progress in this country. I hope that the voters will show them that they ARE going to be held responsible when we vote in November.

  27. Republican Sen. Lankford says a 'popular commentator' threatened to "do whatever I can to destroy you" if he negotiated a border deal during a presidential election year


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