Tuesday, February 13, 2024

LARA:...Donald Trump's Loud, Mouthy Daughter-In-Law In Line For Cushy Job...Co-Chair Of RNC...Son-In-Law Jared Kushner For Secretary Of State If Donald Wins?...Heh, Heh..



McALLEN, Texas |...Rumors swirl that icky Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, would be up for the Secretary of State post in a second Trump presidency. Could be, eh? Kushner is married to Trump's darling daughter Ivanka and, well, did quite-well for himself as a senior White House advisor in Trump's first term.

Indeed, Kushner banked a cool $2 billion in money he received for unknown services from Saudi Arabia in the days before Trump left office in January, 2021.

Would that be expected? I mean, a Trump family member getting a cushy post.

Well, sure. Then there is Lara Trump, his high-necked daughter-in-law. She's the long-face wife of son Eric, said to be a TV producer, and now being openly postured as co-chair of the Republican National Committee by Trump, the ragged, racist party's 2024 presidential frontrunner.

The chairman would actually be Michael Whatley, current chair of the GOP in North Carolina. He is shown in photo below alongside Trump.

Both would replace Ronna McDaniel, a chairwoman not favored by Trump. She is 50 years old and perhaps not attractive enough for the lecherous Trump. But her worse trait is that Ronna is the niece of Trump-hater Mitt Romney, the Republican U.S. Senator from Utah.

There isn't much criticism for this plan out there, as it is being seen as business-as-usual for the ever-angling Trump. Well, maybe a little.

This from politico.com: [ Trump’s endorsement carries substantial weight among the 168 Republican National Committee members, who elect a new chair and co-chair.

Candidate Nikki Haley’s campaign responded to the endorsements Monday night, saying that Trump "is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."

"Under Donald Trump and current RNC leadership, Republicans lost elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022, and now the RNC is effectively bankrupt," Haley campaign manager Betsy Ankney said in a statement, adding that Haley would push for everyone at the RNC to be fired. ]

Yeah, well, it's a wonderment historians of the future will explain in words often used in horror novels. The Republican Party has gone underground, as in now little more than off-white cockroaches doing their best to survive a coming ballot box Armageddon.

If the pundits are right, a monstrous Blue Wave in the upcoming November General Election will drown out much of the once-proud GOP, Trump's bloated carcass rising to ground level, to forever leave the playing field.

He could be in jail by then, or soon after.

Politics has been good to him...and to his immediate family. Lara Trump made waves a few months ago, when she threatened to seek a U.S. Senator's post in North Carolina. It is unclear which of the state's two Republican senators she was going to challenge - the mollusk Thom Tillis or the boring Ted Budd.

What she and Whatley portend is crystal clear. They will willingly and energetically do Trump's bidding. Oddly, current RNC Chair McDaniel had been doing that.

But impetuous Trump is that sort of Homo Sapien, the sort of dude with nothing to do but throw gas on roaring fires.

Still left for the crystal ball readers is the question of whether mouthy son Don Jr will find his way into a White House post this time around, if Trump wins the election. Same for second son Eric, husband of Lara Trump.

Hey, we're just throwing things out now.

Most of it is muddy and sticking to the walls, however...



  1. Whatley won't last. Trump wants family, a crime family.

    1. One of the main rules in the dictator handbook. Put family members in positions of power.

  2. lifelong conservative here. Trump is a cancer in our party. He had his chance and blew it bigly. He will keep leading us to losing and losing and losing. Pshhh. Need people like Kasich, Hogan, Sasse, Sununu...

    1. How surprising Trump wants Lara Trump to be co-chair? Follow the money that is going to be funneled to pay Trump’s legal bills. What utter stupidity of the spineless Republicans who let this con man get access to funds for all Republicans.

  3. Trump seemingly alluded to a potential joint fundraising operation in announcing his endorsements, stating, “Every penny will be used properly. New Day.” LOL!!!!

  4. Family that grifts together...............

    1. By installing his own daughter in law at the top alongside his other pick, he is going to completely control the RNC, decide who they support, control the money, everything. I predict a chaotic RNC with a "hire and fire" revolving door and constant infighting soon. LOL.

  5. I will support 81 years over 91 charges.

  6. Isn't she going to jail? Didn't she funnel a bunch of money to him from a charity?

  7. The Supreme Court should not assist Donald Trump in delaying his criminality…there should be bedlam in America if they deny a trial for the crimes he committed…when will Donald Trump be held accountable for his actions against America!!!

    1. I am not at all sure that the Republican Party will continue much into the future. If it remains the party of Donald J Trump, decent and concerned people may try to find another place to hang their party hat. I don't know that this will happen but I do know that political parties come and go, it's nothing unheard of and might be especially true if the party loses support of moderates and traditional conservatives and simply becomes an extremist party replete with malcontents, cultists, and those too pessimistic to contemplate a better future for all.

  8. Donald, where's Melania? You know. You know.

    1. She's with her gym instructor, like Priscilla Presley was. LOL...

  9. Once upon a time it was hard to tell who is crazy; today, all you have to do is look for someone with a red baseball cap.

  10. Screw the GOP. Vote the GOP out of office.

    1. Everything about Trump involves fraud & corruption. Trump voters are his biggest victims, they just don't realize it!

  11. Can those Republicans in Congress be investigated for their roles in J6? PLEASE!!! And when will dirty Jim Jordan and others be punished for ignoring their subpoenas?!?! Come on.

  12. I always support and vote for Republican, but what he said to NATO made me change my vote. We need allies, and Europe has been loyal. Trump is just too lost.

  13. Saw your note posted at Starbucks. Cool blog. Enjoyed the reads. How about some local politics?

    1. Thanks for that. Yes, local politics will grab our attention soon...

  14. Republicans ragging on Taylor Swift? Huh? They parade around Kanye West, Caitlyn Jenner, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and a bunch of others, and don't see the hypocrisy of whining about Taylor Swift?

    1. Uh, Republicans have Kid Rock and Ted Nugent! Oh, but they are has-beens!!!

  15. To the surprise of no one. Remember what his cabinet looked like during his presidency? Even Verizon doesn't have a friends and family plan like that. Trump may claim to promote family values... but nowhere nearly as much as he promotes family members.

  16. Trial time for Trump. As an American voter I demand it.

    Imagine being a SCOTUS and having to listen to the CRIMINAL tell you what to do! Truly astounding.
    The fact that they responded to Trump about 18 hours later tells me we will get a quick decision one way or another.

    1. Ultimately they want to rule that Republican presidents have absolute immunity but not Democrat ones. They are just trying to find a way to word it so it doesn't seem partisan.

    2. Government prosecutor Smith can just agree on immunity. Then Biden can issue an order for seal team six to take Trump out since it’s legal. There, problem solved.

    3. The orange blob is finished.

    4. Trump is a bully and bullies always cry in the end. he's likely never had a fistfight with another man. His face was voted as the one Americans want most to kick-in.

    5. No more delays. STOP THE STENCH.

    6. Any foot dragging on the part of SCOTUS will reveal their true colors. Every citizen should expect a timely trial, not to obstruct justice. No one is above the law!

    7. Time for Trump to be brought to justice for his lifetime of criminality. His game plan isn’t going to work this time. SCOTUS, it is on the table: are you for democracy and the future of the United States or are you for Trump and then the downfall of America????

    8. Barron Trump for Secretary of State! Ivanka for VP and Junior for Secretary of defense! Let's keep it in the family because the Republican Party doesn't have enough smart people.

  17. It's not the Republican Party anymore, they need to rename it the Russian Party.

  18. if Donald Trump is so innocent, why intervene? if he has evidence of his innocence why has he not provided it? why is he trying to delay things? it appears to me by all evidence provided that Trump is hiding something or is guilty.....he is hopeful his appointees will do the right thing and save him......sorry to say Trump, you do not deserve immunity and you must be held accountable for the crimes you have committed.....

    1. seems to me that someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide would want to get this done and out of the way in a hurry so he can focus on his campaign, someone with something to hide and is probably guilty and is doing everything he can to stop the wheels of justice......Trump knows he is in deep trouble and is obviously trying to find a way to stall this as long as possible.

    2. Lock this monster up already and be done with it!!!

    3. Where is the FBI?

    4. Donald Trump is a PAB.

    5. PAB: Punk A** Bit*h.

  19. ank You. I am a conservative but no longer a republican because the party has changed or I've just gotten wiser. I vote based on issues and individuals now, I owe no loyalty to any party. I am also a retired Navy vet and if we don't defend democracy and free people around the world then a large part of why I served was just taken from me. If I see someone who needs help, I offer it ... its who i am. We have more than enough resources to make this happen and STILL do all the things we need to at home. Thank You, again.

  20. Thank you for supporting and defending our beloved Democracy.

  21. A United States Senator from January 3, 1973, to January 15, 2009. A vice president for 8 years, and president for the past four years. I think Democrat Joe Biden is the man for the job!!

  22. What??? Biden doesn’t have women support???

    Every single woman I know, including myself, are voting for Joe Biden.

    Crazy Nikki Haley can go back from where she came from.

    1. The woman vote for Biden will be record-setting! They want the government off their bodies.

  23. I just need the facts, I can think for myself. I don’t need anyone to tell me how I should feel about anything. I can see how Trump behaves and it’s disgusting. Biden is a good man with a good heart. I am an Independent but I will stand with Biden any day of the week over Trump!

  24. interesting how the crooked (Trump) knows how to work the system, must come from experience with breaking the law.

  25. Taylor Swift or Donald Trump, will the true self-made billionaire please stand up.

  26. My cousin from Mission called to tell me he trashed his Trump flag. He'd been part of those Trump Trains flying it off the top of his pickup. Good news, huh?

    1. Haven't seen one of those trains lately. Are they still doing it in the RGV?

    2. it's more a social thing than anything else. People getting out for a drive.

  27. A real Supreme Court would laugh at Trump and kick the Presidential Immunity appeal back in his face. Let the D.C. Appeals Court ruling stand! No immunity!!!

  28. Trial time for Trump. As an American voter I demand it.

    1. He's not running to try to help the country, he's running to try to get out from under his court cases. And maybe try to recover somewhat from his 2020 election humiliation.

  29. As long as Clarence Thomas continues to take part in any Trump case, we can't trust that they'll be any real justice. (first time commenter)

  30. Sorry, I just can't feel sorry for anything negative that happens to the GOP. They had their chance.


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