Monday, February 5, 2024

JOE:...He's Begun Attacks On Donald Trump...The President Goes Hard After The Orange One...Blows Off Haley...Hey, Now...Jabs & Uppercuts...



McALLEN, Texas |...He's not talking about Nikki Haley. No, President Joe Biden knows who his target is and will be for the rest of the year. Democrat Biden has placed Donald Trump straight-up in his campaign crosshairs.

Look out below!

Fresh off his comfortable victory in the South Carolina Primary, Biden let go a salvo against troubled Republican Trump during a brief stop in Las Vegas yesterday.

This coverage from [ . . .During a rally in Las Vegas' Historic Westside, Biden repeated a similar version of the speech, telling the crowd: "This is the guy, when he was in France, they asked him to go to an American cemetery in France for World War II, where Americans were buried. You know what he said? He said those folks were suckers and losers."

He added, raising his voice: "Suckers and losers the guy said." He then said he was glad he wasn't there. "Called my son and your sons and daughters who gave their lives in this country suckers and losers. That's how this guy thinks. Who the hell does he think he is?" he said.

Joe Biden also touted the results achieved by his administration during his years at the White House, citing the most recent jobs reports, which showed that the country added more than 350,000 jobs, and the resilience of the U.S. economy, which grew by 3.3 percent in the last quarter of 2023.

He added that 40,000 infrastructure projects are underway as the result of the bipartisan infrastructure bill he signed into law.

The 2024 presidential race is shaping up to be a likely rematch between Biden and Trump, who's currently leading the Republican primary polling with 74.2 percent of the vote as of February 4. He's ahead of his only standing rival Nikki Haley by a huge margin, as the former South Carolina governor currently had an estimated 17.5 percent of the vote.

Biden told the crowd of about 400 people gathered at Las Vegas' Historic Westside that "we'll make Donald Trump a loser again." ]

Yeah, nice horse-collar tackle of Trump there.

And Biden asking "What has Orange done for you?" is on-target. Oft-indicted Trump remains the front-runner in the GOP contest, even as Haley insists on staying in the primary fight. The larger majority of lame Republicans in Congress have now endorsed Trump as their nominee.

Biden will stay with the hammering. And he'll enjoy every minute of it.

What a big, fat target he has...



  1. Go Joe! Vote Blue.

  2. Meanwhile, Trump heads to US Supreme Court with a familiar claim: he is untouchable.

    1. Trump isn’t arguing he is innocent …..he’s arguing he has the right to be a criminal.

    2. if they were truly Gods army as they claim, they would have been down there giving the migrants their shirt off their backs and handing them money so they could go home and try to do better for themselves and families....but these so-called Christians don't really follow the bible they cherry pick it to make themselves think they are doing god's work...

    3. Trump, Defendant P01135809, by the Constitution, can never hold public office again.

  3. Republican Sen. Lee, Reps. Johnson and Scalise and the entire "Freedom Caucus" condemned the bi-partisan Senate bill before they had seen it, their "near-immediate condemnations of the bill" simply repeated the decision that Trump told them to make. It's humorous that Johnson and Scalise will not allow the bill to be voted on by the House of Representatives are the same guys who decried the criminal charges against Trump and the efforts to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against him and stated that his future should be "left up to the voters."

  4. Repubs got nothing.

    They can't talk about economic success because they have given America 10 of the last 11 recessions over the last 71 years. They did this in the 40 years that they occupied the White House, averaging one recession per term. GOPers can't brag about that so they deflect & try to trash Taylor Swift.

  5. Big surprise: Trump calls border bill ‘a Death Wish’ for Republican Party: "Don’t be STUPID!!!"

  6. Having 2 chambers of Congress demands compromise. The framers designed our government so that the differing views of Americans are represented proportionately, and legislation is passed that reflects the will of the constituents proportionately. It will never work if one side is "all or nothing", in this way, Republican Speaker Johnson, by letting Trump control him, is failing the American people.

  7. I’m voting so hard!!! They will not win!! We are smarter, stronger and kinder. Damn it!!! Biden 2024!!

  8. The Bible and the U.S. Constitution are two of the most bastardized pieces of literature in American history.

  9. MAGA voters are just ignorant...PERIOD!

    1. If you could reason with a Trump supporter.......than they wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

  10. I like Presidents who don't incite insurrections because their delicate/busted egos cannot cope with reality. Trump is not an option, under any circumstances.

  11. Trump will lose in November. He'll lose. He won't concede. Biden's in office so Trump can't do anything this time. He won't be allowed any parades. He won't be allowed any speeches on the Ellipse. The National Guard will be ready to take down any rioters. And if he happens to get in the line of fire, so be it.

  12. Trump’s major campaign promises in 2016:

    Build a big beautiful wall ❌

    Get Mexico to pay ❌

    Bring back coal ❌

    5% annual GDP growth easy peasy ❌

    Eliminate the deficit ❌

    Retire the federal debt ❌

    Bring back manufacturing jobs ❌

    Beautiful healthcare to replace ACA ❌

    Infrastructure week ❌

    Lock her up! ❌

  13. Donald Trump throws cold water on border bill — again.
    “Only a fool, or a Radical Left Democrat, would vote for this horrendous Border Bill,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

  14. CNN Poll: Most Americans want verdict on Trump election subversion charges before 2024 vote

  15. Anyone that says the Republicans don't play games with our lives is off their rocker.

  16. I have yet to see a Republican state precisely what their objection to the Border Bill is based on. They do not cite anything in the bill specifically, only these general, grandiose ideas with no example from the text of the bill. They don't mention what's left out. They don't mention what's in. They don't mention anything but "it's bad".

    Such people are not people I take seriously. They are not arguing on the merits of the bill. That is not what has informed their opinion.

  17. Trumpers are cultists. Trump is destroying the Republican Party.

  18. The hilarious part is with every "investigation" or "recount" GOP does they find that there were even more votes for Biden.

  19. As a private citizen and person who thinks an enemy of the United States should never be allowed to run for office.....I hope SCOTUS follows the law and precedent set that Traitor Trump is not allowed to be on the ballot. Anyone whose defense is "My oath swore that I would defend the Constitution, I did not take an oath to follow it or abide by it.....only defend it," has no business in an elected office.

  20. Late headline: "SCOTUS weighs Donald Trump's ballot eligibility this week" Some are saying the court should not deal with this; that voters should be the ones to decide Trump's fate. He has criminal charges, however, and unless they are resolved before the November election, well, we the voters are left with possibly electing a convicted fraudster, rapist and insurrectionist. That's a "no go" in my book...

    1. Honestly, should we have faith in this Republican-controlled Supreme Court?

  21. There ended up not having a full blown insurrection because police defended the Capital, died at the Capital, and were injured at the Capital. Without that, these renegades would have taken control of the Capital and the Congress. Trump did all he could to encourage it. But, like the "coward he is" he yells to get it done, without being in front taking charge to get things done, to try to avoid himself being hurt.

  22. This is a Democracy, not an Autocracy. No one is above the law.

    1. Trump's followers are blinded by his anger, lust for power, and hatred of everyone else’s freedom. Thank you!


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