Sunday, February 4, 2024

INVASION:...When Do We Exaggerate?...In Politics, it's Damned Near Always...Texas Gov. Abbott Loves The Word "Invasion"...It's Not That...



EAGLE PASS, Texas |...Well, he hasn't yet "secured" the border. That would be one Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas shown in wheelchair in photo above. It is the story of the day for the Lone Star State.

Some truck and bus convoy has landed here to join him in stopping the surge of migrants wanting to cross the Rio Grande into the U.S. Abbott is still calling it an "invasion," even as critics call him out on the term. The convoy's arrival rankled local feathers, with a few residents asking if the show was really needed.

In South Dakota, the Oglala Sioux, a Native American tribe, issued word that it was banning Gov. Kristi Noem, also a Republican, from its land in opposition to her decision to send the state's National Guard to help Abbott in Texas.

But it is an editorial in the conservative Wall Street Journal (owned by FOX's Rupert Murdoch) that is taking Abbott to task.

This excerpt via [ The piece notes that Abbott has invoked a clause in the U.S. Constitution that allows Texas the "right to self-defense" in the event of an "invasion," which is how he and many other conservatives have characterized the recent surges in migrant crossings. The board criticized this as an inadvisable stretch, and also noted that congressional approval is needed to begin acting on the clause.

". . .The first question is whether migration, however anarchic, is an 'invasion.' Do conservatives really want to start stretching constitutional terms? Progressives will do that better," the piece argued. "And what power is Texas even trying to unlock? If migrants who have walked 1,000 miles qualify as an invading army, does Mr. Abbott intend to 'engage in War' on them?"

The WSJ editorial board went on to raise concerns that the situation at the border could potentially turn violent.

"But it isn't hard to imagine a more direct conflict emerging if Texas continues trying to box out the Border Patrol in Eagle Pass. Would Mr. Abbott or other officials defy a resulting court order and risk contempt? Would Mr. Biden invoke the Insurrection Act to have the military intervene?" ]

That last sentence says it all.

What is Abbott's end game - an actual confrontation with the U.S. military? He'd lose that fight.

He's staying with the opposition, however, and it is now clear that it's all a political charade. Yes, secure the border. But try doing it in an intelligent manner and not just some cheap political stunt.

The rest of the country is watching and waiting. And it's true that some 25 other Republican governors have sided by Abbott, but even that substantiates the belief that this is all just a game for Texas.

Just how much Abbott has spent on this, what with his busing of migrants to other cities, is the Big Unknown.

The number "millions" keeps being mentioned...



  1. Beautiful! My blessings go out to the Sioux for their courage. It's nice to see all my brothers, native to this continent sticking together.

  2. Republicans keep investigating President Biden. The GOP playbook is: investigate the opponent (or their family) feed all types of half-truth nuggets to Fox news and Christian Media, imply they have evidence of a crime, allow their Party media to broadcast the implication of a crime, and watch the opponents Poll numbers tank....rinse and repeat.

  3. Biden easily wins South Carolina primary. Democrats are united. Republicans still backing a criminal.

  4. Trump lost by 10 million votes last time. He’s alienated some moderate Republicans with all his crazy rhetoric and innuendo, independents are also tired of him, there are more younger voters coming of age and they lean Democrat also less older that have died since last time that lean Republican. I think Biden is going to win by 15 million votes this time and Trump is going to hurt the Republicans running on this election.

    1. Tell Trump that if he wants to win at anything, he should back Biden.

  5. Depend on Republican Abbott to do the will of his millionaire handlers and ignore the people! After all, look at what his backers have done for him --- and then compare that to what the people want him to act like a governor.

  6. A show costing Texas taxpayer a lot of money. Local governments can't afford to lock up the number of people crossing the border and Abbot didn't give the local sheriffs the money or jail space to hold the people. Meanwhile Trump wants the Bipartisan Border legalization stopped and the border kept open. He needs the chaos so people will ignore his problems.

  7. A genius doesn’t call himself smart… a billionaire doesn’t call himself rich… but a traitor calls himself Trump.

  8. president Biden has called Donald Trump a "sick fuck." Dead-on, I say!

    1. Get Trump out of politics.

    2. The GOP is trying very hard to make Putin happy.

    3. How could one country have so many morons?

    4. Remember back when being openly sympathetic if not fawning to Russia made you an outcast instead of the Republican Presidential Nominee?

  9. Trump asked his followers if they think he looks like Elvis in a strange social media post.

    1. Good Grief, who's he trying to kid. Never in a million years. A more appropriate comparison would be himself and a donkey's rear end. Much More of a Resemblance...

  10. It sure seems that Trump is the tail wagging the Republican Party dog. Not appealing at all to crossover voters, especially in Congressional or State contests. If Trump and his supporters think they can go it alone, without Democrats and Independents, they need to stop and rethink their strategy. Or better yet, their candidate.

  11. Wow. Wall Street Journal is totally conservative. Slam on Abbott.

  12. Taylor Swift? A pretty, white, all-American young woman and a white football player dating is the kind of wholesome 1950s image the right-wingers are supposed to love, tho.

  13. I don't want to ever see Trump on the golf course again, 'cause we the taxpayers will be paying for it.

  14. The hush-money case, wherein Trump faces 30 felony charges, begins on March 25th. This is a criminal case and should he be convicted, it should have a significant affect...especially on the 'undecided' and 'independent' voters.

    1. Trump is about to turn 78. He's old and knows it. Trying to destroy the country cause he knows he's dying. FACT.

  15. Trump: “I think Mitch McConnell wants to endorse me. That’s what I hear.”

    Translation: I desperately need the leader of Republicans endorsement really bad!”

  16. $5,000,000 --> $83,000,000 --> $370,000,000 (?) --> prison (?) --> second lost election (?). The future is not looking good for the defendant with the comb over and orange grill.

  17. I will give Trump supporters credit: They love to tell me how they "almost joined the Marines."

  18. Great move by the Native Americans! Keep them out!!!

    1. Armando

  19. Your arguments are well-reasoned, and your suggestions are to the point and actionable. Your facts show that most of the immigrants are employed and law-abiding members of our communities. That argues strongly for us to allow them to become full citizens in our nation. Unfortunately, we do not currently have the legal systems in place to review their applications quickly and carefully. Perhaps Abbott should work on that.


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