Thursday, February 1, 2024

FEAR AND LOATHING:... ...Migrant Hunting...Convoy Heads For Mexican Border... Hoped For 40,000 Truckers... Got 20 Cars & Three Buses...



McALLEN, Texas |...They left the east coast after a few days of online humping, word grindings that fueled an emotional response. Stopping the so-called migrant invasion at the Mexican Border; that was their mission. To cement their commitment, the loose-knit group named itself "God's Army."

Things have not gone well so far.

News reports have it that the convoy never really materialized, that some group members were fighting each other for leadership, that tires had been slashed at a motel where they spent the first night on the road and that at least one rider had been expelled and left to fend for himself on and East Texas highway.

But they're still headed for defenseless Eagle Pass, Texas, where migrants continue to cross the Rio Grande from Mexico and where Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has staked his claim to being El Grande De Coca-Cola.

It's all a silly mirage.

Some early arrivals even took to their websites online to report not seeing "any sort of invasion," a few angrily bitching at Texas "for lying to all of us."

The news website had sketchy info, but it was about problems the convoy people were encountering on the road and the apparent disinterest on the part of the "40,000 truckers" the group said would be joining the convoy.

Nothing was posted on the New York Times website, perhaps because editors there saw the early fizzle as the leading edge of a failing effort. The Associated Press posted a story about this yesterday, but we could not find it on its website today.

Still, the first few are on the road, seemingly headed for a rendezvous in Eagle Pass. What exactly they mean by "hunting migrants" is yet to be explained. Normally, state law enforcement and the Feds (U.S. Border Patrol) tolerate this sort of thing for a day or two before things get serious and the citizens are told to go home.

Much of the breathless chatter online about this has generous criticism, with commenters asking about the group's reasoning, their employment and mental status also questioned and some saying most truckers are hard at work and won't join this particular effort.

If anything, the convoy (if it ever grows to any meaningful size) will likely be a boon to highway gas stations, fast food eateries and cheap motels.

This much-ballyhooed citizen uprising, we say, will end with a whimper...



  1. Who cares? These yoyos are mostly retirees who have no job to go to! Fact.

  2. Let's see, this Border bill was written by Democrats and Republicans who both agreed on it. It addresses concerns of both parties and gave Republicans everything they asked for. Trump told them he doesn't want the bill because HE wants to take credit for saving our border. Now the Republicans hate this bill. Will everyone stop this tribal mentality and do something for this country for a change?

  3. That Trump is a fool.

    1. I wonder if all his donors really signed up to have their hard-earned cash be used to pay Trumps legal bill? And if so, why have they not come to the conclusion yet that Trump is just not fit or a good fit to be president. He can't even run his own life without having people bail him out so how can he run a country?

  4. trump is no longer the president; why is the speaker saying he will only support trump era policy without even knowing what’s in the proposed bipartisan bill. Why are these people taking orders from trump as if he never lost the election? Why are they so afraid of him. He’s nothing but just one human like them - I like how E Jean classified trump as nothing, not there, just an emperor without a coat, only gets his bullish strength from people surrounding him. The American people need results not blocking bills that will help to move the country forward.

  5. Goofballs. Convoy? Dumb.

    1. Perfect description!

    2. Poll points to deep trouble for Trump if he gets convicted.

  6. Are they gonna throw their Bibles at the migrants?

  7. Trump is dropping lawyer Alina Habba. If you’re guilty, it doesn’t matter who represents you, you are still GUILTY!

  8. God is no way riding with these idiots! Stop saying it!!!

    1. Unemployed, food stamps, welfare Rednecks!

  9. Saw a video of this convoy that showed some moron flying the Texas flag upside down. All you need to know.

  10. Love the music videos you're posting. Old songs I haven't heard in years. Thanks.

  11. White House escalates attacks on House Republicans for border deal impasse. Border Invasion is all show. Nothingburger.

  12. In a video obtained by Rolling Stone, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) declared on Tuesday that “Congress doesn’t have to do anything to secure our southern border and fix it.”

    “Why would I help Joe Biden approve his dismal 33 percent [approval rating] when he can fix the border and secure it on his own? He can secure it on his own through executive order.” Nehls added while waving around a cigar outside of the Capitol.

  13. I wish there was more coverage of this here in the valley. Thank you for doing this.

  14. MAGA World Is About to Meet Taylor Swift’s Fandom. It Won’t Go Well.

    1. Put Trump and all of his gang in jail and lose the keys.

  15. ​real truckers need to drive 11 hours a day to make a living. they don't have time for a dumb rally.

  16. No, Texas Can't Secede, and the Border Fight Is About Politics More Than Policy.


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