Wednesday, February 14, 2024

ELECTIONS:......Republicans Blow Shot At Keeping George Santos Seat...New Yorkers Not Buying MAGA...Trump Moans And Groans...Like A Jerk...



McALLEN, Texas |...Maybe it was the weirdness that brought out the voters in Long Island, New York. This was a race for a congressional seat once held by the Republican grifter/loser George Santos and, well, people wanted to see who would replace the lying sonofabitch.

It'll be Democrat Tom Suozzi, the guy who held the same seat earlier, before leaving it for an unsuccessful run for governor of New York.

Beaten back was Republican Mazi Melessa Pilip, a Nassau County legislator said to not quite be ready for prime time. The 47-year-old native of Ethiopia lost. Suozzi took 53.9% of the vote to Pilip's 46.1%

Republicans had fully believed they'd retain the seat, even as Santos had pretty much stained the Holy Hell out of it.

The loss surprised Republicans, leading one - Donald J. Trump - to rage at the defeat. Pilip is shown in photo below, at right.

"Republicans just don't learn, but maybe she was still a Democrat?" Trump wrote on Truth Social. "I have an almost 99% Endorsement Success Rate in Primaries, and a very good number in the General Elections, as well, but just watched this very foolish woman, Mazi Melesa Pilip, running in a race where she didn't endorse me and tried to 'straddle the fence,' when she would have easily WON if she understood anything about MODERN DAY politics in America."

Yeah. That's blowboy Trump lipping the battered trumpet.

Suozzi saw it differently.

He said the voters were sick of partisan bickering as he took a shot at Trump and his allies in Congress.

"Let’s send a message to our friends running Congress these days: stop running around for Trump and start running the country," Suozzi said. "It’s time to find common ground and start delivering for the people of the United States of America."

The win came in a Special Election. The 61-year-old Suozzi will draw another Republican in the November General Election.

Loser Santos, currently under FBI investigation for fraud and lying to federal officials, had brazenly said he'd never resign and promised to seek reelection.

Those also were lies.

Democrats hailed the victory, as it drew them closer to overcoming the slim majority held by Republicans in the do-nothing House of Representatives.

Is this a foretelling of what Republicans face in the Fall? Could be.

They're running scared...talking tough, but talking about defeats...



  1. Now get rid of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, etc., etc., etc!!!!

  2. I am a Republican, but I can't blame anyone for the loss in this election except the Republicans and George Santos.

    What would you expect after the bizarre Santos episode?

  3. What a good day for Democracy. Thank you, New York!

  4. Pilip would eventually concede, “I am pro-life,” but not before angrily pushing back on Suozzi.

    “It’s a personal decision,” Pilip said at the one and only debate.

    Ummmm, yeah, abortion SHOULD be a personal decision, but it's not right now.

  5. Its the turnout the GOP needs to wrestle with. A big Democratic turnout, and the GOP dont stand a chance.

    1. I can't wait until we never have to hear from Trump again.

    2. trump is sick, really sick.

  6. Thank you Donald Trump! Another great victory for Democrats!

    1. Oh well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just imagine if the Republicans would not have taken trump's advice. They would have gotten the immigration bill passed and their candidate would have won. Thanks, donald.

  7. Thank you, NY 3rd District. You have redeemed yourselves.

  8. So sad for the Republicans. The fine character displayed by santos was indicative of their morals. Now a person with real morals has won in that district. Welcome to congress.

  9. Putin: "Donny boy, your check is in the mail."
    Trump: "Thank you, boss. Need anything else?"
    Putin: "Destroy NATO."

  10. MAGA is about half the republican base and less than a third of the country. Enough to swing Republican primaries but not enough to win national elections.

  11. Yep Donald you’re right it would be nice to have an intelligent president. Oh wait, we already have one... not you!

  12. Republican Mazi Pilip is as crazy as Santos. Republicans pick the craziest candidates out of somewhere. Amazing.

    1. A democrat just won in a republican stronghold. That's what happened.

  13. Think about this. Congress is supposed to work for the People, they are our reps. But one man said NO to an immigration bill thinking it would help him and they all folded.

    It’s clear the Republicans are a bunch of Trump servants. They’ve had every opportunity to show him that it’s not a Dictatorship, but they fail again and again.

  14. I feel so bad for true Republicans. They don't have snot to campaign on.

  15. If you are driving Trump nuts
    Then you are doing a good job.

  16. Stop breaking the law, Republicans, then you will not be punished. Anyone knows if you break any Law, or Laws, you will face the consequences.

    1. I'm ready for the consequences. Jail Trump already!!!

  17. Good for Democrat Suozzi, Mazi was an absolutely horrendous candidate. Another win!

  18. Why would voters, with common sense that is, give another vote to the Republican side in congress. They continue to prove that they don't know how to govern, can't get out of their own way, are only concerned about coddling their Orange Master, and could care less about the rest of us.

  19. Good for Dems. Santos was unfit.

  20. Just the start...

    One by one, MAGAs are falling..

    1. Well, we might have been able to do something about those illegals. But Republicans didn't seem too interested in that idea. They would rather the illegals keep coming. It's one of the last effective platforms they have.

    2. It may be effective but it is a platform based on lies.

  21. The propped-up border issue has sort of settled, and, as I have been saying, it's the abortion issue that will sink Republicans. Democrats across the country will play that card, as they should. Republicans make a mistake in making everything "Trump, Trump, Trump"...

    1. Thoughts and prayers for Republicans this November.

  22. Trump needs to speak to a psychiatrist with all the stuff he's pulling he needs some help real bad.

  23. Where's Melania? She knows. She knows.

  24. Mazi Pilip was a registered Democrat since 2012 and turned Republican since the Santos ordeal. Loser move.

  25. 10 days till the South Carolina Republican primary. Should be revealing.

  26. Don't these people know that everything Trump touches dies. I would vote for a 100yr old Biden before any Republican.

    1. The GOP lost a house seat because Congress got rid of a serial con artist who had no business representing our country in the first place. A win/win in my book.

  27. Democrats won the special election to replace Republican George Santos in New York. The margin of victory was 54% to 46%. To listen to media coverage, however, one would think the contest ended in a photo finish.

    It seems most news outlets are loath to acknowledge that most people are fed up with Republican obstructionism in particular and the antics of the Trump Clown Show in general. Most in the news media are doing their best to discredit Biden and boost the Orange Menace. Perhaps they are just trying to increase their readership, but whatever their motives, they are doing a great disservice to the American people.

  28. the best comment the press is not going after is the Republican Speaker saying there was a weather problem. That is true, but if weather kept people home, then it tells me the Republicans were not as excited to vote as the Democrats. Also not that the news media knows, but Queens is on Long Island and the press making it appear as a Long Island battle was just false news. Long Island has 4 counties. Kings aka Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk. They also did not comment on how when Republican when she gave her concession speech it was in East Meadow, a very segregated community, and she was surrounded by white men. One town over last week was designated the most segregated town on Long Island. That would be Merrick. I know East Meadow, it is where I grew up. The few friends I have still living there inherited their parents' home, and they are solid Democrats. But they are not happy with how it is nearly impossible for non-whites to live here.


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