Saturday, February 3, 2024

ELECTIONS:...Miniscule U. of H. Poll has Ted Cruz Ahead In Senate Reelection Contest... Dreaming Democrats Allred And Gutierrez Trailing Badly In Distant Dust...



McALLEN, Texas |...Can anyone here beat Ted Cruz? Twelve years into his U.S. Senate career, the 53-year-old Republican seems to be on his way to another, do-nothing six-year term. There are two totally-blue Democrats fighting for a shot at the annoying Cuban-American, but polls say their odds are long.

Those two would be former National Football League linebacker Colin Allred (Tennessee Titans) and State Rep. Roland Gutierrez.

Both have been granted their "Good luck!" by Beto O'Rourke, he of the Election Day losses to Ted and to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, perhaps the state's wildest Republican.

A recent University of Houston poll shows Cruz comfortably ahead of Allred and Gutierrez.

This from [ Texas Senator Ted Cruz is on track to secure reelection in November against either of his top-polling Democratic rivals, according to a new University of Houston poll.

The survey found that, in a straight fight between Cruz and Rep. Colin Allred, the leading Democratic candidate, the Republican incumbent would win by nine points. Alternatively, if Cruz faces Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez, who is also running to be the Democratic nominee, he would secure victory by 10 points.

The University of Houston's Hobby School of Public Affairs surveyed 1,500 Texan registered voters online between January 11 and January 24. They found that, if the Democrats select Allred, a member of the House of Representatives and former NFL player who has launched a Senate run, as their candidate for Cruz's seat, the GOP incumbent will win with 48 percent of the vote against 39 percent.

Alternatively, if the Democrats select Gutierrez, a current member of the Texas state Senate who has also announced his candidacy, Cruz will win by 48 percent against 38 percent. ]

I'm not a fan of polling, as the number of voters queried is often too small.

This one was an "online" poll, which makes it even more useless.

But it is a snapshot of the contest, so we'll look at it that way. Cruz is running in a heavily-Republican Red State. That sort of backs up the miniscule U. of H. poll.

Allred has been out and about, but has not campaigned in South Texas. Neither has Gutierrez. Ted Cruz has been up and down the border on those Republican Border Wall and Migrant Clown Shows.

Perhaps a poll closer to the November election would serve Texans best...



  1. If you would have told any Texan in the 70s 80s or 90s that the Republican party would one day worship a New York conman (Trump), they would have told you to wake up son, come back to earth.

  2. Get Cruz out. Paxton AND Cruz need to be voted out and anybody who opposes that bi-partisan border bill because Trump says so. Trump doesn't care one whit about that border or anything else. His number one is himself and how much money he can get his supporters to send. Millionaires and billionaires are often embroiled in legal issues. Presidents? Rarely. Ex-presidents? Hmmmm... But Trump is embroiled in legal issues of his own doing in multiple states for illegal activities both in and out of office. And why would a self-professed genius and billionaire need his fan base to pay his legal fees that were caused by his own misdeeds and loudmouth? I haven't voted for a republican for president in eons but often voted for them in state and local elections. And I never felt that any of the other Republican presidents were out to destroy the party or wasn't going to try to do what they saw as best, even if I didn't agree with the platform. No more and it all began with Trump. He is a menace and has hijacked the republican party. No republican, especially Cruz should have ever received a single vote after Trump. Cruz chose Trump over respect for his own wife and father. When he stood up on that stage rallying for votes with Trump it made me sick. How could Cruz even call himself a "man" after Trump trashed Cruz's wife and accused Cruz's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination? That's just despicable .

  3. So, TX is going for cancun ted again, huh? If he ran away during a winter freeze, do you think he'll stick around for a "civil war" he's trying to foment? Lol. I don't mean stick around to run his mouth and stir the pot. He'll definitely do that as long as it doesn't get too hot for him. I mean out there beside you slinging hot lead and battling the US military. Lol. You already know the answer...

  4. Texas shows how weak they are every time they elect Cruz.

  5. Biden’s booming economy keeps messing up Trump’s message. LOL.

  6. Literally Trump is the opposite of everything the Republican Party stood for that I respected about it, pre-Trump. Every single thing they do is to appease one man. One idol. There are no states rights. There is no federal separation of powers. No checks and balances. No originalist respect for the Constitution. It’s disgusting. I’m a middle aged upper middle class white guy. I did a lot by my own bootstraps. I should have become a Republican years ago. Republicans have grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory unlike any group of people I’ve ever seen. Loss after loss and they double and triple down. I don’t respect any of them. It’s absurd!

    1. Cruz gone. Boebert gone. It's a start.

  7. At the end of the day, a civilized society needs to trust that its judicial system does the job and that elections are mostly free and fair. That orange dude running for president refuses to accept that and he certainly doesn't belong as the leader of a country that wants to portray itself as leader of the free world.

  8. Trump only beat Democrat Joe Biden in Texas by 5 points and if you think all those Californians who have moved here over the last 10 years aren't still progressive you might want to think again, add in the abortion thing and this Cruz race could be a nail biter.

  9. 12 years is more than enough of Ted Cruz! Vote Blue!!!

  10. As long as politicians like Cruz are kept in office nothing but bickering and arguing is going continue to happen . People like him aren’t there for the people they are there for themselves

  11. Should be a rule. Hey, Ted, if you don’t pass at a minimum of 5 bills or co-author bills or any type of legislation while serving your first term....You’re not electable ever again.

    1. And there is this: Ted Cruz wants lawmakers to get security escorts through America’s airports.

  12. Florida Republican Gov. DeSantis promises thousands of troops to help Texas and its border fight.

    1. Loser move from a loser. Go away, DeSantis. Just go away.

  13. Texas ACLU finds most schools in state still have discriminatory dress codes. [against Blacks]

  14. Not being in politics kept Trump under the radar. Once he became a politician media started paying much closer attention to him like they do all politicians. Everywhere the media looks they find questionable conduct. This happens to any politician no matter what their party affiliation is.

    1. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for all.
      A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for one.

  15. Trump knows Uncle Vladimir will pay his bills.

  16. Hey, the U.S. has quietly resumed deporting some Mexicans on flights that carry them far from the southern border, U.S. and Mexican officials said, a move designed in part to discourage them from repeatedly trying to cross into the United States.

    The first flight to Morelia, a city in central Mexico hundreds of miles from the nearest U.S. border crossing, took off Tuesday carrying more than 100 Mexicans, according to two U.S. officials

  17. Conservatives are intolerant of other people who don't believe in the same things they do, and they want to shove their beliefs down other's throats in the guise of religious freedom while they infringe other people's rights.

  18. Throughout history, people also used the flag of “God” inappropriately to commit genocide. This Redneck convoy group headed for the Mexican border should be ashamed to use the name of “God” for its political purposes.

  19. Let's be clear. The border is not broken. 1.5 million workers, families, and children cross the southern border every day to shop, to work, to go to school, and we think nothing of it. In fact our prosperity and our wellbeing as a country depends on it. The idea that 5,000 or even 10,000 people might overwhelm us trivializes both what our government is capable of and our nation's capacity to welcome. Those of us living at the border know this.

    It is clear that what is broken is in Washington D.C., where administration officials and members of Congress are detached not only from reality on the ground, but are detached from the vision and courage necessary to put in place real solutions.

  20. The more Trump skims off from his MAGA followers, for his legal bills ($55 million so far) the less the RNC has for the election!! Trump is going down and gonna take the republicans with him!! Their own legislators asked on the floor of the house to give them 2 thing they had accomplished to run on and they had nothing!! If they don't have a border deal or block the one they have....No talking points, boys and girls....You have no record to run on!!

    1. Vote Blue.........convict the guilty.

  21. New York City to hand out $53 million in pre-paid credit cards to migrant families....[Republicans are damning this, but there are times when we have to say we're the best of peoples and can do this. Americans are.]

    1. I like that last part. Seems all we hear are the rabblerousers, the Border Clowns, the far-right politicians, Trump always down on these current migrants. We are more than this. We are Americans. Perhaps those of us not aboard the runaway wagon headed for the cliff should raise our voices, eh?...

    2. Unless you're Native American, you're an immigrant or the offspring of immigrants. This really is not rocket science.

  22. A group of Republican lawmakers introduced legislation Thursday that would give the National Guard the power to use lethal force against "armed invaders" crossing the southern border into the U.S.

    The bill, titled "Defend Our Borders from Armed Invaders Act," was introduced by freshman Rep. Morgan Luttrell, R-Texas, and has been referred to the Committee on Armed Services.


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