Monday, January 1, 2024

THE HOWLING:...Trump Story Is Mainly A "Whites" Story...Hispanics Not In The Cast...No Featured, Speaking Roles...No Standing...



McALLEN, Texas |...Cable television features a load of talking-head shows daily, all of them dependent on politicians for input and analysis of the Trump Story. Radio for overland truckers and rural America is full of right-wing hosts spinning everything from Trump's trials to his chances in the November election.

It is a literal whirlwind of news and information cutting a path from coast to coast as if a national tornado. You can tune-in and get the latest in news, rumors and threats.  

Hispanics are not part of that.

The Donald J. Trump Story is a story by and for White Americans. They are well-represented in the reporting of the news and the digestion of the latest tidbit, whether about Trump's trials or his candidacy for the White House.

Mostly, almost exclusively, it is White people and politicians moving the conversation here and there, angles dependent on political leanings.

We wonder why that is. Why no Hispanic on the talk shows dishing one way or the other on Trump and his problems, his danger.

There are not many in Congress, but those few Hispanics appear to have taken shelter rather than be out front with the noisemakers.

Recently, both the U.S. House and Senate set records for Hispanic representation. The House set a new record after the 2022 midterm elections, with 52 Hispanic members, Caal says. The Senate has a record six Hispanic members.

None of them is a regular on the talk show circuits. Marco Rubio, the Republican senator from Florida, at times will chime-in on Trump's woes, but his appearances are few and far between. Ted Cruz, the junior senator from Texas, also like Rubio a Cuban-American, is never called on to appear.

The others are even less-known, like Alex Padilla, shown in photo above, the Democrat U.S. Senator from California who has never been seen on talk shows. Padilla has been in the senate since 2021, the year of the riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Locally, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez, a veteran Democrat representing the 34th Congressional District of South Texas shown in photo at left, is a non-voice in the Trump Saga. He has said nothing to the press about any of the 91 felonies lapped on Trump or his upcoming four criminal cases. Not one word that we could find.

Hispanics are well-entrenched in Congress. Their numbers may be small, but those there have been there awhile.

They should join the conversation. They should insist on it, have their staff make a few calls to the show producers and get on FOX News and Morning Joe and the rest of the offerings. 

The Trump Story is all around them, taking their political oxygen daily and making them look as if their thoughts and words on such topics as Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election and his outstanding accounts with the courts do not matter.

Say something, we say to them...



  1. I am voting for President Biden again. And I am proudly voting for him. I’ve been voting for a while now and I’ve never been asked to participate in a poll. What people don’t realize is MAGA is in your face. They are loud misfits and like to get reactions out of people. The Biden supporters are more laid back and quiet….we Hispanics don’t come out until it counts.

    1. I have never understood Latino voters, they support politicians that insult them and treat Latinos like second class citizens. This is like a fly caught in a spider web and he supports the spider who made the web.

  2. Talk show producers are all whites.

  3. No one should ever assume that Hispanics are not highly intelligent, thinking and hardworking people. Goes for young people too. Dems took them all for granted as they built their private empires. Republicans didn't know how to connect with them. Too many lawyers... these are real people with real ethics. I want America safe and prosperous.

  4. Hispanic Senator Bob Menendez has no leg to stand on to criticize Trump. He's been indicted too.

  5. I don't see many Hispanics in those MAGA mobs. I mean, at Trump rallies.

  6. It's no secret that Trump has done nothing and will do nothing for Hispanics. He hates them. Fact.

    1. Does Mayra Flores know that?!

    2. Mayra thinks she is no longer Mexican.

  7. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists made no secret of what they were going to do when they achieved power. Likewise, Donald Trump has explicitly declared his intentions - detention camps for minorities, mass expulsions, revenge on his multitude of enemies, the eradication of groups he refers to as Marxists, communists, fascists and radical left thugs. His embrace of authoritarians and authoritarianism is displayed blatantly. When Hitler rose to power many Germans saw the writing on the wall and fled the country. Many others were unable to do so and lost their lives to the madness that was the Third Reich. Many people have said that it cannot happen here. Many people may be terribly wrong.

  8. Trump lost by 8 million last time.

    He hasn't picked up any fans with his criminal antics.

    1. He's still above the law, pal.

  9. Some Hispanics hate being Hispanic. They think being Republican makes them different and non-Hispanic. LOL.

    1. That would be Mayra.

    2. On Mayra Flores...maybe. But she's Hispanic and she's making her however-offkey voice heard. Too many other Hispanics wearing Republican clothing are choosing to stay silent in regard to Trump's threats and legal mess...

  10. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans who believe in Trump do not believe in themselves.


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