Tuesday, January 23, 2024

NEW HAMPSHIRE:...Big Vote In Nation's 1st Primary...Itchy Republicans Nikki Haley And Donald Trump Duking It Out ...Haley Gets First Six Votes...



McALLEN, Texas |...As Kenny Loggins sang, "This is it. The waiting is over. . . .over." That telling, much-awaited first primary vote in the current presidential race takes the frozen field today, voters in New Hampshire strolling out to have their say on Donald J. Trump and Nikki Haley as the eventual Republican in the 2024 General Election.

Already, following the casting of initial votes, Haley leads Trump 6-0 after all registered residents of tiny Dixville Notch in far northern New Hampshire sided with the former South Carolina governor over Trump.

The resort town was the first place in the nation to vote in the 2024 primaries. It kicked off its voting at midnight. There was no comment on the shutout from Trump; Haley hailed the small voter sampling as a precursor to victory.

Pundits aren't so sure, however.

The two-person race is actually the first real test for the last candidates standing. That Iowa Caucus a week ago merely offered a taste of what would be coming when a larger turnout would perhaps set things in place for one or the other claiming the party's nomination outright.

Both candidates head to South Carolina after New Hampshire for the next round, scheduled for February 24th. That contest will certainly tell a more meaningful tale as it is Haley's home, a state she served as governor from 2011 to 2017. Trump, meanwhile, claims a "strong" following in South Carolina, one that was aided this week when U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, a candidate himself until two weeks ago, endorsed him.

The other U.S. Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, is a rabid Trump backer.

Haley celebrated news of her victory in Dixville Notch calling it "a great start to a great day in New Hampshire." However, the early excitement is tamped down by the possibility of a Big Win by Trump, which would in effect drown Haley.

Yes, she is given a good shot at seriously challenging Trump in today's New Hampshire vote. Haley was helped by an endorsement from the state's biggest, most influential newspaper, the Manchester Union-Leader.

The winner? Who knows?

It's an all-day voting exercise, so results aren't expected until tonight.



  1. The working class and poor had better take note of the billionaires raising money for any Republican because they don't spend a dime unless they plan on getting several dimes in return. If the American voting public allows Trump to get back in the catbird seat, we might as well learn how to talk the mandarin language and learn how to live on rice and fish heads. Whatever your personal feelings are about Joe Biden or anyone else that gets the Democrat nomination you had better lay those feelings aside and vote for a Democrat like your life depends on it, because it just might be a fact. Billionaires are only interested in making more billions and passing legislation that enables them to forgo paying any taxes.

  2. Better Nikki than Donald the convicted molester.

    1. Trump is already preparing his audience for his 2024 loss.

      If Donald Trump fails to win back the White House come Nov. 5, it's only because it was rigged, he told a crowd Monday.

  3. Governor Chris Sununu (endorsed Haley) admitted: "I am going to support the Republican nominee, absolutely." So, he will vote for Trump anyway. Tim Scott recently endorsed Trump. Despite the fact it was Haley who appointed him to the Senate when she was Governor. He stuck the knife in her back really deep. Haley couldn't even place second ahead of Desantis in Iowa. But she has made New Hampshire competitive. But New Hampshire is one thing. For her to win in MAGA Country, where Trump's support is absolute for a significant portion of that population - like the deep South - including South Carolina - isn't going to happen.

  4. I promise you if Trump wins NH he will praise the wonderful, beautiful election, and if he loses, he will insist it was rigged. Ditto for November. Please remember that when you cast your vote. There are lots of candidates out there, but only one openly mocks democracy itself.

  5. Everything about Trump goes against conservative values. Trump has turned the GOP into radicals. Vote.

    1. Most of them he would never allow into Mar-a-Lago! Fact.

  6. Whatever happened to country over party? Trump has promised to destroy democracy. No longer a Republican after last Trump Coup attempt. Will vote for any Republican other than one named Trump. Otherwise stick with Biden.

  7. If Trump gets the Republican nomination EVERY Democrat votes for Biden. If for no other reason, just because Trump is Trump.

    If Nikki Haley gets the Republican nomination you might actually see a few left leaning voters who are sick of Biden actually vote for Nikki Haley.

    While Trump will likely get the nomination, it is possible that it is not the best option for Republicans.

  8. What time is Trump's news conference where he announces that the press and the person who counted the 6 votes have got it all wrong. He won all the votes, by over 1 million votes more than Haley.

  9. Farewell to Ron DeSantis, an awkward bully nobody liked. Even Republicans.

    1. DeSantis was supposed to save the GOP from Trump, not endorse him.

  10. Yes, Trump is dominating the primaries. That doesn’t mean he’ll beat Biden

    Why is the media making such a big deal of this? Trump will be the nominee, but the general election is a different matter.

  11. Trump likes dictators so much he's hoping to become America's first.

    Trump will let Putin and Kim Jong Un take whatever they want while he focuses on his side hustles in an effort to profit off the American Presidency like no one before him.

    This is the new Republican Party.

    1. He'll take a hit today in New Hampshire!

  12. It’s a shame that John McCain isn’t here to run against Trump. Though I’m a democrat, McCain was a great American, a true Republican and he loved this country. He was the example of what America represents and, he would be a great president.

  13. I am absolutely convinced that if returned to office and if he stays healthy, he will do everything in his power to stay on beyond his term. The constitution SHOULD protect us but it is just a piece of paper and only valid if it is enforced.

  14. I'm really disgusted about trump and how he talks so stupid and people believe him what a disgrace to America?

    1. Every time I hear Trump speak, I feel my IQ drop. 🤔

  15. Haley vows to stay in the race even if Trump wins New Hampshire primary.

  16. Should the Dallas Cowboys extend QB Dak Prescott?

  17. You can't support the confederate flag and claim you are an American. We wouldn't be the USA if the south had won.

  18. Philadelphia 76ers big dude Joel Embiid torched the San Antonio Spurs with 70 points in last game. It was Embiid's first tussle with touted 7'4" Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama.

    Embiid set the new high-water mark for points in a game in the 2023-24 NBA season and set the new Sixers record for points in a game, dropping 70 points to lead the way in a 133-123 victory.

  19. Vote 💙 blue

  20. A better name for Mom's For Liberty would be
    "Klanned Karenhood"!!

  21. Free tip: Trump/DeSantis truce will not last.

  22. "This is not over," Texas says after Supreme Court lets Biden administration remove razor wire at US-Mexico border

  23. Fellow Republicans, it’s time to admit that the US economy isn’t bad.

    Multiple indicators – from GDP growth to the unemployment rate (and even inflation) – point to a robust US economic engine.

    Thank democrat President Joe Biden for that.

  24. Nikki Haley needs at least 40% of the vote to keep going. The real issue will be next month where she may not get 40% in her own state. But she is now hoping Trump goes to jail. That is her only chance at all.

    1. Ditto, she is holding on to be the nominee if Trump is disqualified. If the Republicans were smart they would keep her going even if she loses every race just so they have someone who can beat Biden, if Trump cannot run.


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