Wednesday, January 31, 2024

INVASION:...Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Plays Excitable Word Games...Last Real "Invasion" Came in 1944...Migrants Not Armed...Mexican Cartels Don't Need The Cash...




McALLEN, Texas |...Did I miss something? What's that you say - we have an existential "invasion" at the Mexican border? Wow! I hadn't heard a single shot fired or any sort of anguished cries from the many wounded. Invasion?

Well, that's what Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is selling to the state, nation and his Republican Party.

I must’ve missed the part where the U.S. is now at war with another country. I must’ve also missed the part where the "invasion" on the border is an armed invasion by an invading force at war with the U.S. Jeepers, creepers. Maybe I should go get my rifle, load it and have it at the ready.

By my rack, or the front door, yes.

But no, I saw nothing of the sort when I took a drive down to the Rio Grande, or border, the other day - a nice and cold Mid-January day full of calm and birds. Pieces of that fabled Border Wall can be seen here and there down in the dusty and tiny city of Hidalgo, where the international bridge connecting us with Reynosa, Mexico sees brisk motor and pedestrian traffic. It's just there, not imposing or holding back any sort of armed surge by migrants insisting on getting into this country.

Abbott, however, has riled up everybody.

The mood on the border seemed the same usual, that well-known people getting here and there mood. Shoppers from Mexico coming over and going back. That same scene we've had around here seemingly forever. Good Mexican people looking for quality goods at the grocery and department store and going back home, helping the local economy. No signs of fear or angst or anything brought on by an invasion on their faces.

Just locals being locals.

But Abbott has created another roadside attraction for bored Americans. A convoy of truckers is said to be on its way to seeing what I saw - nothing much, nothing even remotely dangerous. Oh, well. We live in a time of rage & ruin. Next: Tourist helicopter flyovers up and down the passive Rio Grande.

Our do-nothing Congress is said to be dealing with a plan for the southern border, one that has a few Republicans aboard but also one that has the overwhelming number of Republicans looking at it as a nonstarter, because it, they say, would make Democrat Joe Biden, the president, look as if he solved the silly migrant "invasion."

Oh, well. Again, oh, well.

The word "invasion," of course, is an easy-reach excitable term. It conjures quick fear and imagery of military attack. Thousands of heathens from Central and South America, from the Caribbean, at the gates, all of them tossing grenades at us from the southern banks of the Rio Grande. Armies of invaders, all out to kill every Texan in their way. Women in the murderous mobs, hair in a wild splay and knives in their hands. A full-frontal assault, yeah.

That's what Gov. Abbott sees in our boring border.

Invasion, he keeps crowing.

It's no invasion, one Dwight D. Eisenhower would tell him. It's just the latest wave of poor immigrants looking for a better life - our usual answer to cheap labor, crop-harvesting and restaurant work included.

Only, and this is the cheapest political rub, MAGA Republicans have demonized all immigrants not from Norway. The desire is obvious.

But no, don't go loading your rifles to join the defense against this "invasion." You'll sit there waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting on it...and it won't come...



  1. With all the showboating from Texas and the Feds, we have forgotten about the people. What do the residents of Eagle Pass think? I mean all of them, not just the ones that are donors to a political cause.

    1. People up north have a skewed image of the Mexican border. They think it is lawless and open. It's not!

  2. Fixing the border crisis is bad for Trump and good for Biden. That's the problem.

    1. This is despicable, instead of trying to work to pass legislation to help Americans the Republican Party's main focus is doing Trumps bidding, do your jobs GOP.

  3. Trump is already trying to weasel out of paying E. Jean Carroll the $83 million off the defamation verdict. He cannot legally use money from supporters unless they donated the money specifically for payment of the defamation damages. If he used funds that were donated for another purpose he can be charged with a crime. Also, any funds received would be taxable as income.

  4. Republicans have no idea what they want! Republicans are showing why they are the party of do nothing but whine and complain. President Biden has offered republicans everything they asked for and now republicans say no, you cannot look like you're a winner during election year.

  5. Texas-bound truck convoy full of Rednecks tries to recruit veterans for border protests.

  6. Blatant crap: Congressional Republicans want to kill a bipartisan border bill to give Trump an edge in the election.

  7. As this blog reported, even Texans who favor forming an independent nation wonder what’s going to happen to their Social Security benefits. It’s a valid question, considering that benefits are managed and distributed by a federal agency of the very country they want to secede from.

    “If a state were to secede, its residents would no longer be under the jurisdiction of U.S. federal law, which includes the Social Security Act and its subsequent amendments,” said True Tamplin, the founder of Finance Strategists. "Hence, the monthly checks would stop."

  8. Let's see immigration for the good it provides our country rather than calling it a threat to divide and weaken us as a nation.

  9. Trump had 4 years to do that and two years of full Republican control and did not do it. Why? Because he doesn't care about the problem. He cares about money for himself. You wave flags with Trump's name, you support him, and he does not give you anything. He tells you he is a winner, yet he always loses and blames it on the other side. Open your eyes.

    1. Republicans don't care about the border. They just think all their lies can hurt Biden.

  10. I prefer my president not to be a rapist or insurrection leader or fraudster or thief of top-secret documents or pay off porn stars.....the list is endless.

    1. USA is done folks. Our courts have been so corrupted by McConnell that they will allow trumps delay tactics to stand. No trials will happen before November. And at this point I’m not sure an election will happen. Texas is about to start a civil war. They just made a call to arms and the white terrorists are answering. A quote from trump, “the USA will not exist after 2024”.

  11. Remember when Trump said you should vote for him because he's so rich he doesn't need anybody's money? Since then nothing but a flood of emails to his base telling them they have to give him money. Very little of his own money has gone into any of his campaigns or legal defenses. A report today says he's already spent $50 million of his donations on legal fees.

    1. E. Jean Carroll will receive every dollar from Trump. There are laws that dictate how she will get it. He has to first use cash in all banks; if what he will owe for this case and others consumes his cash, then he is required to sell his properties. With this appeal, he has to first post the cash or pay for a bond with will cost more than the fine. Each day Ms. Carroll is not paid, interest is added to the fine.

  12. Reminder:...No profanity. Three comments axed this morning. Re-submit with civil lingo...

    1. Does that go to profanity in Spanish too?

  13. I'd vote for Nixon over any Republican candidate today. Worst part is, he was more honest than the current field, Trump especially. Trump is not a Republican; he is a criminal.

  14. Any and all high profile attorneys that thought any of these cases were winnable would be knocking Trump's door down to represent him. By the time this goes to trial he'll be lucky to get a couple of good public defenders.

    That, along with not paying any of them. Giuliani is bankrupt because he worked for Trump as his lawyer. He didn't get paid and now since his reputation is ruined, he also can't find any other work. Who wants to sign up for that?

  15. I thank God everyday that my parents left Oklahoma and raised me and my siblings in another state. I left the Republican Party long ago due to the rise of the stupids. Trump can’t be sent to jail too quickly.
    Just say NO to convicted rapists.
    Vote 💙

  16. I am not a Chiefs fan, but these MAGA loons against Taylor Swift have clinched my pick for the Super Bowl...Go, Kansas City!

    1. Chiefs 35 San Francisco 20

    2. It is time for all Swifties to rise and Vote Blue 2024. Let's show the world democracy, women's rights, and Taylor's music matter.

  17. Leave Taylor Swift alone. Geez, she's a beautiful young woman, inspirational to the future generations. Taylor may have stayed out of it if Donald Trump left her name out of his pathetic lying loser's mouth.

  18. Have you noticed how much Texas Gov. Greg Abbott looks like singer Lyle Lovett, also of Austin. Uncanny resemblance, although Lovett can still stand and walk.

  19. Haley says Abbott won't secede. Just foolin' around. “If that whole state says, 'We don't want to be part of America anymore,' I mean, that's their decision to make," Haley said, though she also noted, "Let's talk about what's reality. Texas isn't going to secede."

  20. About the Redneck Convoy: We have to remember that many of the people calling for Civil War online may not even be American but operatives from Eastern Europe, China, Russia, Islamic terrorist groups, Russia. etc. This is done to excite and agitate discontent American citizens. Of course, people like Alex Jones, Majorie Taylor Green etc. are American agitators from far-right anti Democracy groups.

  21. A former President should not be able to dictate terms to Congress. It's not normal and I don't know why we pretend it is. Work your own border deal, Republicans!

  22. Let's not forget that Donald's father, Fred Trump, suffered from Alzheimer's disease, which often runs in families.


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