Monday, January 29, 2024

CIVIL WAR:...Russians Want It...Texas Teasing It...MAGA Arms Itself...Governors Plot Allegiance...Mexican Border May Be The Spark...



McALLEN, Texas |...Well, the Russians are for it. Out front and being quoted. They want a civil war in America. For one, the Ruskies say it would immediately bring an end to their war in Ukraine. Europe fears a Donald Trump victory in the upcoming national election would place it in a vulnerable position, one then open to Russian invasion of member NATO countries.

Yes, that could easily come to pass.

Same for an end to our monstrous national debt, our social programs including Social Security and an end to most of our civil liberties.

That's what border-fearing Texas is offering these days?

The Lone Star State is playing fast and loose with talk of secession and, of course, the federal government would never abide by such action. Not for one second. Talk, we know, comes cheap in politics. Perhaps that's all Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is doing - talking shit.

He'd never secede. The financial wallop, if it ever happened, would be so extreme as to make Texas just another poor neighbor of Mexico. In the Guatemala, Honduras class, yeah. Beaten Austin would then export is winning catchphrase to, well, "Keep Tegucigalpa weird." 

But the Russians, friends of Trump from way back, see it coming.

This from [ . . .Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who currently serves as the Deputy Chair of Russia's Security Council, released a lengthy statement on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday reiterating his past prediction that Texas would secede from the rest of the U.S., something the state has no legal ability to do, and potentially kickstart a civil war.

"There are known cases in history when some states tried to break away from the Union and form the Confederacy," Medvedev wrote. "The end result was the bloody civil war which cost thousands upon thousands of lives. Either way, America can face an unsolvable constitutional crisis, and for long, fall into the abyss of a new, possibly even more destructive civil confrontation. And the Western world, its breath held, will be staring at the American mess in fear. Well, it's their problem, anyway."

Responding to an inquiry, the U.S. Department of State dismissed on Saturday the seriousness of Medvedev's various statements.

"We know by now not to take Medvedev seriously," a department spokesperson wrote. "This is standard Kremlin nonsense." ]

Everything wild is nonsense until it happens. Russians might even be comforted by knowing that there are some (MAGA) Americans who would take to the streets to kill at the drop of a projection that Trump will lose the General Election in November.

Chew on that for a minute.

You know that's true. You know you've read and heard about it. These are not good times for American civility and an internal war does look like the answer to resolve these problems in the here & now. What's a few million less citizens. The elderly would go first and therein would come the millions in savings on Social Security payouts.

What would the federal government do about is 15 active military bases in Texas, the ones that contribute some $100 billion to the state's economy. Would, as some are saying, Texas storm the bases with its weekend warrior Texas National Guard and commandeer weapons?

And what would McDonald's do at war's breakout? Chase Bank? City Hall in your hometown? Public schools and colleges? Trash collection? Mail delivery? Starbucks drive-thru? Laundry service? Grubhub?


Those mischievous Russians are onto something with their wish for a second American Civil War.

We're nowhere near that shots-fired stage yet. Words are being flung around as if off an AR-15, but so far it is just words.

Gov. Abbott keeps talking tough, as if his next move is sending not a bus full of migrants to New York, but a squad of giddy, nerdy National Guardsmen to the U.S. Capitol. It's a comical threat, we say at this point, but we are worried about the 25 other state governors who have publicly said they support Texas in its effort to curb migration at its southern border.

Politics breeds love & hate.

One day, all is cool on the news-brightened campaign trail and the next it is Sherman's March to The Sea. Fighting is fighting. Guns don't kill people; people kill people. And, as we know, there is no more armed citizenry in the world than the American citizen.

The Russians may get what they want...



  1. Texas would become a third world country within a year and Mexico could invade if it it wanted to take it back. But yeah Abbott please mention the 1800s secession letters...Those backwards states seceded solely because of slavery.

  2. Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott says Trump ‘irrelevant’ to border talks: ‘He’s not in office’

    1. Republicans not caring about the orange man's despicable behavior is not new, they would have been rid of him long ago otherwise

    2. VOTE BLUE if you love America and women 💙

  3. I'll believe that there is a real border invasion when the Governor of Texas declares Travel restrictions to the border area from the US side. Right now you can go on the Governor's website and you have a "Border Invasion" on the one hand and on the other hand, you find links to desirable vacation spots in the "invasion zone". A lot of pretend "invasion" going on in Texas when you can find enticements like:

    "Laredo’s warm weather creates the perfect ambiance for a weekend of fun and relaxation! "

  4. Trump's best chance would be to argue that he can't be tried as an adult.

  5. Turn them around and have them walk back home, at gun point if needed!

  6. Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson denounces Biden’s support of Senate-backed border deal

  7. MAGA: my ass got arrested. my attorney got arrested. more attorneys got arrested. making attorneys get attorneys. my administration's getting arrested. my aides got arrested. my associates got arrested. my advisors got arrested. manager also got arrested. many are getting arrested. make arrest great again.

    Moscow's Agent Got Arrested.

  8. Who wants a sex offender who quotes Hitler for President?

  9. Yes. We noticed House Republicans have moved the goal posts again now that Biden met their demands. Why not claim this victory and campaign on getting democrats to cave? What happens when Trump loses and we are stuck with nothing? This proposal has been described as generational immigration legislation. Republican senator Todd Young says it has near unanimous Republican support. Why not take advantage of this moment after working so hard to get democrats to the table?

    1. The GOP follows whatever path Trump chooses and he has said he does not want it approved. I do not know about anyone else, but one person telling everyone to fall in line or be kicked out, is not the type of leader I would want in the White House or in any position of authority.

    2. I love how Biden is now sticking it to orangeman Trump. And more media outlets are also calling him out. It's about time!

    3. The more you get to know Trump, the more you get to dislike him.

    4. Former Republican-appointed Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff had clear advice for the House GOP as they work to topple his successor: “Don’t impeach Alejandro Mayorkas.”

      In a Wall Street Journal op-ed ahead of a Tuesday markup on articles of impeachment to remove Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Chertoff was critical of the Republicans’ case.

      The articles released Sunday accuse Mayorkas of failing to carry out immigration laws as well as “breach of public trust,” an argument that comes after they have said he is “derelict” in his duty to secure the border.

      “I can say with confidence that, for all the investigating that the House Committee on Homeland Security has done, they have failed to put forth evidence that meets the bar,” Chertoff writes.

  10. Taylor Swift campaigning for Joe Biden? Younger campaign aides are reportedly hoping to make it happen.

  11. I don't hear too much about this here in the bally. I suspect more unrest would surface if they closed a taqueria!

  12. All white people. If Trump was black, they would be the first to say lock him up.

  13. Trump is so slimy! He appeals, appeals, and then appeals some more! Let's just call him out - Trump is avoiding accountability!!

  14. White House demands Republican Speaker of The House Mike Johnson give Biden 'authority and funding' to 'secure the border'

  15. The border issue is a smoke and mirrors carnival game for Republicans. Trying to scare voters into voting Republican. Republicans are ignoring the anti-abortion issue a.k.a women's rights they are trying to take away. All of the anti-abortion laws and laws forcing women and minor females to show menstrual cycles. Were voted on and passed VIRTUALLY BY ALL MALE REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS.

    1. I tend to agree. The abortion issue is the one that will spell big trouble for the Republican Party in the General Election. Women have rallied against this in every state that has voted on the issue. Talking and lying about the border seems to be the GOP's way of keeping abortion out of the headlines...

  16. Joe Biden calling Donald Trump a "loser" in speeches. Love it!!! Trump loves to dish it out, but he sure can't take it when it's served back to him.

  17. E. Jean Carroll "flabbergasted" at Donald Trump's lack of power at defamation trial.

  18. Funny that these American white supremacists cheer for Russia, not knowing that the majority of the population of that country is not white.

  19. Conservative pundit and legal scholar Jonathan Turley reiterated his belief this week that House Republicans lack sufficient evidence to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

    “I don’t think they have established any of those basis for impeachment,” Turley said during an appearance Monday morning on Fox News, where he is also a regular contributor for legal affairs. “The fact is, impeachment is not for being a bad Cabinet member or even a bad person. It is a very narrow standard.”

  20. "Trump 2024" is not a political slogan. It’s an expiration date.

  21. Abortion WILL be the #1 issue for women in the General Election: This is not anyone's business except the woman and her doctor. As a woman whose life was saved by an abortion at 18 weeks after the fetus didn't expel properly, my heart is breaking for all these women sent to the parking lot, denied the standard of care. These Red States are just cruel.

    1. There are 22 Bible verses about stoning women. Will the Republican Party start that next?

    2. In States Where Republicans Banned Abortion With No Exception for Rape, Rape Led to 58,979 Pregnancies Post-Roe.

  22. It's election year folks. Same story every cycle just like clockwork. Republicans Incite Fear into your hearts about brown people crossing the border.

  23. I identify as white Christian. I was Republican, but Trump cured me of that. I am much more liberal now, but still am very conservative concerning LGBTIQQ+. But I do NOT believe in hating, canceling, shaming, etc. We should love our neighbors as ourselves, and EVERYONE is my neighbor. Liberal on border politics. Wish we still had that program from the fed government to provide 6 weeks training, English lessons, find them a job, etc. for Cuban immigrants. We really need something like in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Cali. New Mexico is poor, we would need fed money to accommodate it. Texas has so much money, but all being mismanaged and corruptly diverted. Arizona is its own mess. California could implement such a program really well. All of this must go through federal programs, with federal funding. Immigrants at the South border should be welcomed and helped to become tax paying citizens that vote. Stop with the hate already, Texas!

  24. Between trump wanting to use the border as a prop to sway the election after republicans pretty much got everything they wanted, and Trump wanting the markets to tank, the only conclusion is that trump only wants bad for America for his own benefit. He could care less about everyday Americans red or blue.

    Our court system is way too slow. Every day he is free he is more a danger to democracy and America. The 5th Circuit has had the immunity case for a month, a process and conclusion that doesn't take a genius to see that there is no immunity. This should've taken no more than 5 minutes for a conclusion be it trump or anyone else, yet still we wait on their lethargy.

    1. There is no good reason to vote Republican.
      No hay una buena razón para votar republican.


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