Wednesday, December 20, 2023

APPEAL:...2023 "Word Of The Year"...Reptilian Republican Donald Trump Avails Himself Of It At Every Turn...Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied...



McALLEN, Texas |...He's appealing. Again. Another court ruling he does not like. Doing it quickly and vigorously. That's who Donald J. Trump is these days, a litigator.

Trump is in the 2024 running for president as a reptilian Republican.

He's also being chased by the legal system at every turn. Should we care that he's a serious candidate while fighting for his freedom? Is he just exercising his rights? Does the well-known phrase "Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied" apply to him?

How long has this been going on?

Too long. Trump threatens to become the poster boy for Outlaw Law. His latest opportunity to appeal a hit came yesterday.

This from [ The ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday that Donald Trump, by virtue of inciting an insurrection, was ineligible to appear on the state’s 2024 ballots threatened yet another massive stress test for America’s governing institutions.

But it also quickly underscored the extraordinary messiness of a presidential campaign litigated as much in the courtroom as on the campaign trail - with cases sprawling across multiple jurisdictions, a cast of characters rivaling a Russian novel and a former president who has perfected the art of working the legal system to his advantage over decades of close brushes with the law. ]

His camp is already making the case that all judges in the Colorado case are - egads! - Democrats. That's the lawyers speaking. Trump had harsher words, and will have harsher words until he wins or loses in the General Election.

According to the reporting, Colorado's ruling will find its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for its two-cents worth as early as January 4th. Ballots in Colorado must be in place by the following the day, the 5th.

But, yeah, how many appeals to court rulings have we had from the Mar-a-Lago Marvel?

Too many.

For a guy who forever claims to be innocent, he sure has no faith in his "facts." Trump claws and fights every step of way, more like some jail-fearing street-savvy criminal than an innocent man...



  1. Courts have already ruled against some of those involved in the Jan. 6th attack on Congress and they found them to be guilty of Seditious Acts. That can only occur if it was indeed an Insurrection. During many of those trials, many more stated they would not have been there if Donald J. Trump hadn’t asked them to be there. Those rulings give this ruling a legitimate standing.

  2. Somebody needs to stop Trump. Enough!

  3. If the President goes against the Constitution, the military has no obligation to follow him. They serve the United States, not a man.

  4. Sadly, the Colorado ruling wiping trump's face off the voting ballot has not swayed Republicans away from him. The party is with him, come Hell or High Crimes. Everybody from Nikki Haley to Vivek "The Dark One" Ramaswamy, to House Speaker Mike Johnson, to Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel lashed out at the Colorado decision. Forget the dirty GOP dropping Trump anytime soon, or at all...

  5. The party of law and order has an issue with applying the law?

    Imagine how easy it would be to win the popular vote and the presidency if you just did simple things like not fire off angry tweets, call not cs good people, denounce people like margy taylor green, be pro choice, be supportive of lgbtq people, not call our elections fraudulent, not call democrats - your neighbors, your friends, family, coworkers - enemies.

    Instead, Trump’s out here taking the path of most resistance with anger politics and victimhood. The GOP needs to grow a set and move on, or they’ll never win an election ever again.

  6. Replies
    1. There is no justification for the way he twisted the political arena. And divided the country. Creating a hostile environment that has caused us to hurt each other. Lose faith in our fellow Americans. And to see all the elected parties. In a self-first mind set. Are we now like the rest of the dissatisfied countries. And get looked down on. Shame on us that let this continue.

  7. The Colorado ruling against Trump has Right-wingers up in arms because Colorado had Democrats voting for disqualification, just like the Left will bitch when the Right-wing judges on the Supreme Court rule in favor of Trump.

  8. It never ends with Trump. He has nothing else to do.

  9. I got an email asking for a contribution, but they said it would be recurring monthly out of my bank account. I told them to go Eff themselves!


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