Wednesday, November 15, 2023

VALLEY BUSINESS:...The City Of Palms Still Hustling For Dollars...It Is The Very Definition Of Progress For Mayor Javier Villalobos...



McALLEN, Texas | Yeah, leave it to the Rio Grande Valley's busiest mayor. Javier Villalobos, still in his first year as figurehead leader of The City of Palms, is always on the hunt for business. If it isn't Mexico next door, it's anywhere else in the world.

Here in the photo above, he is lauding the Asian connection.

From the mayor's busy Facebook page: [ Economic Development transcends our local region. Met with our friends from China, Tony Liu, MEDC far East Consultant, Zhi Li, President of China (Shenzhen) International Logistics and Supply Chain Fair, YanLing Zheng, General Secretary of Shenzhen Logisitics and Supply Chain Management Association, and of course our very own Keith Patridge and Laura Warren. #I❤️MCALLEN. ]

Villalobos has earned the title of Go-Getter.

Other valley mayors may be pushing local commerce, as is Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda, or doing little, as is new Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, but Villalobos, a traditional Republican, has been on the bring-more-business trail non-stop.

It's getting to where a daily looksee at his activities via his Facebook postings always yields info on yet another effort at expanding the city's business map.

Nothing wrong with that...



  1. best run city in the valley!

    1. I've noticed more Asians in town. We need them, of course. Good, hard-working respectful people!

    2. I get out & about often and, yes, McAllen has a growing community of newcomers. Many of them are Asian. I'm told the city's medical profession recruits them vigorously. And I'm also seeing more Blacks, as well, at the restaurants and at, for example, Starbucks. That is good news...


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