Saturday, November 4, 2023

SUN SPOTS:...The Wild With A View...About That Romantic Moon And Moonlit Nights...



RIO GRANDE CITY, Texas |...There was a big, fat moon out last night, rising cold and mineral, moving as it always does around our celestial sphere, Earth. You can stare at it, or you can ignore it.

It's too far to claim, although we do, 'cause, like a loyal wife, it revolves around our world.

They say our moon was born from violence, that something else hit Earth and out went a large amount of dirt that eventually framed itself into what is now that symbol of romance, the moon.

Moonlight is being blamed for many a fling, adultery included. But the moon has no light of its own. It is merely reflecting sunlight, so in those private moments when you feel it was that silly moon that set your love life in motion, well, if it was moonlight you credit then you should really give thanks to the sun.

I know. I know.

Silly Humans are hopeless believers, ingrained with that herd mentality that says we owe so much to the stars and the Heavens. Perhaps we do, but... And I wonder if the dinosaur thought as much, that when they would die they would go to a better place.

We're supposed to be sorta formed in the physical image of God. The dinosaurs, it says here, likely had their own. They got wiped out by something that came from way up there in the sky. Not much was left for their biography.

It is Man who has unearthed facts about their time on Earth. You should know that when the end comes for Man, well, I doubt the surviving cockroach will have time to write books or school papers about our brief time in the universe.

Enjoy the view out your window today, whatever it is and wherever you are...



  1. Just so you critics know, I am the "Echo That" guy and I echo my comment.

  2. Nice little change-of-pace, Mr. Editor. Thoughtful stuff.

  3. Texas will lose to Kansas State today. You read it here first - Marco, McHi '89

    1. Not happening, bro. Texas is up 10-0 after first quarter.

    2. Texas won with field goal in overtime.

    3. Good football all day. Oklahoma lost and Georgia squeaked by Mizzou. Colorado tonight!


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