Monday, November 20, 2023

SUN RECORDS:...Newsroom Jukebox..."Hallelujah"...

1 comment:

  1. Time does fly. Like a late-for-dinner bee. We're at year's end and we're thinking again. What a time it was, this Life. That once seemingly-endless voyage of a lifespan that counted in months and years but never was as long in universal time. We have lived a nano-second of whatever it is the universe records. Does it care? Not in the least. We are here to make some noise, then to slink off to never be again. This collection of years. How to measure my time? Time has its own way of doing things so apart from me that I am even less than I ever believed I was. The Christmas Season is upon us once more. It used to be about smiles and laughter with my two daughters, at ages 5 and at 12. Now, they are fully grown. It hurts me to look back, not in totally bad way, but in one that forces me to inhale deeper and deeper every year. Humanity - it is said that the road is long. Was it long enough? I'll never know. My time is measured in moments, fine and grand moments I forget but can often recall. Time itself? It's on a mission for God, not at all for me...


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