Wednesday, November 1, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Short Isn't Selling? Ron DeSantis Tries Elevator Boots...Not A Cool Look, But...



McALLEN, Texas | It's the halting walk, that awkward step and odd bounce of the sort you see in men wearing outsized, ill-fitting cowboy boots. Graceless Ron DeSantis, still a candidate for president, can't seem to pull it off. The wearing of "elevated" boots, we mean.

He claims to be 5'11" in height, but that is being questioned, even as he flails hopelessly in his ongoing quest for the Republican Party's 2024 nomination.

Those who have seen him in person say he's closer to 5'8" tall.

DeSantis, governor of Florida, won't say how tall he is or whether the new boots he's wearing have been altered to make him appear taller.

This excerpt from [ DeSantis has said and done a lot of uniquely awful things over the past several years that should preclude him from ever becoming president of the United States. From championing Florida’s bigoted "Don’t Say Gay" law to signing a six-week abortion ban to declaring that he’d "start slitting throats [in the federal workforce] on day one," the list is long, varied, and terrifying.

Should appearing to wear height-enhancing lifts in his boots for a couple extra inches and refusing to cop to such measures also be on that list?

Not really, no. But it’s a strange thing that definitely doesn’t help! Especially since, according to a deeply reported new story, the governor is almost certainly trying to pull a fast one re: his stature. ]

Yeah, who cares? He's so flawed in so many other areas of his political life that his height rests somewhere low on his problems. But he is thinking otherwise. Wearing those "customized" cowboy boots make him look like a damaged skeleton as he walks across, say, a stage ahead of a speech.

But he's not answering the question.

Elevated cowboy boots is a strange combination of words. We'll go ahead and ask: What cowboy would do that to his boots, much less wear them?

High heels next, Ron?...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...About the other photo in this posting - we noticed this morning that the price of Bolillos at H-E-B has risen from 25 cents to 42 cents apiece. That's a hefty raise...] 


  1. WHAT!!!! Man, that's tough to pull off. Oversized heels in boots? You've got to be really insecure to try that. Talk about a loser.

  2. DeSantis should have sat this one out. He's a young dude at 45. Waiting four years for the next election is what he should've done. But a politician in a hurry will always risk it. Too bad for Ron this time. But 4 years is a long time for the next one and, yes, Americans have a short memory, so...

  3. Blogger Jerry Mchale of Brownsville copied your Taco Tuesday feature and Jim Barton chased your story on DeSantis and the boots. You're an influencer, Mr. Editor!

  4. McHale hasn't had an original thought - sentence or paragraph - in decades. Jimmy Barton is just slow. We're flattered, yes...

  5. Those two other bloggers are just too old now. They act as if they have nothing left to lose and they are right. The elderly lose their way. Mchale is 74 next month and Barton is clawing at 76. Dumbasses!

  6. Funny how everyone in Trump world fights subpoenas. If the truth exonerates you, wouldn't you WANT to testify to clear your name? Trump will lose his businesses and go to jail and that will end one of the most tragic chapters in American history, although the MAGA movement will try to hang on since it is a cult of personality once he is gone it will fall apart.

  7. Hey, even FOX News is saying Ron's heel lifts are easily verifiable. His walk in them is just hilarious.


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