Monday, November 27, 2023

MEXICO:...Sing The National Anthem...And Sing It In The Right Key...Or Go Directly To Jail...



MEXICO CITY, Mexico | Okay, who even knows the words? What key? Yeah. Mexico has had it with singers blowing the much-revered national anthem (El Himno Nacional) and now it may soon fine or jail you if you do it in public.


This from [ Anyone who puts their own spin on the Mexican national anthem or sings it incorrectly could be imprisoned for up to four years, according to a new proposal from a Morena party member of the Chamber of Deputies.

Deputy Ana Elizabeth Ayala from the state of Sinaloa, has proposed harsher penalties for people who misinterpret the national anthem or misuse the national flag.

Published Wednesday in the parliamentary gazette, Ayala’s proposal aims to reform the Federal Penal Code and a law already on the books. The senator feels that current legislation is ineffective in preventing misuse.

"There are established singers who, in mass events, do not know the verses of the national anthem or sing it poorly," wrote Ayala, 47, in naming "guilty" performers such as Pablo Montero, Jorge "Coque" Muñiz, Ana Bárbara, María León and Ángela Aguilar.

Last month, Mexican singer Danna Paola drew criticism after singing the national anthem prior to a Canelo Álvarez boxing match in the wrong key.

The Mexico City native (shown in photo at right) sang in A-flat major, despite the Law on the National Shield, Flag and Anthem stating it must be sung in C major.

"It is strictly prohibited to alter the words or music of the national anthem and perform it in whole or in part with compositions or arrangements," states Article 39. "Likewise, singing or performing the national anthem for profit is prohibited."

Based on the current law, Paola could have been reprimanded, arrested for up to 36 hours, fined up to 900,000 pesos (US $52,358) and imprisoned for up to one year. 

Ayala’s legislation would increase the arrest time maximum to 72 hours, allow for much higher fines and add a prison sentence of up to four years. The legislation as proposed could have resulted in a fine of up to 2.74 million pesos (US $159,395) for Paola.

Mexico’s national anthem dates back to 1854. ]

It's a good law, I say. We tend to be all over the lyrics map on our national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner. Who hasn't heard it mangled, mumbled and outright changed? Even at The Super Bowl!

Mexico is onto something, and this one is not government over-reach...



  1. I've heard it many times and cannot tell you how it begins. But I know I'm not alone.

    1. Mejicanos al grito de guerra............


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