Wednesday, November 22, 2023

JFK:...They Assassinated Him In Dallas 60 Years Ago Today ...We Know It...We Just Don't Know Them...



McALLEN, Texas |...Sixty years is a long, long time to live with a freakin' mystery. Okay, so who killed President John F. Kennedy 60 years ago today in Dallas? Every prying swinging dick (detective) has an answer, only this one seems to have more answers than who really impregnated Mary Magdalene.

They say it was a patsy named Lee Harvey Oswald, only educated people aren't buying it.

Others say it was the Central Intelligence Agency, while still others say it was the Cubans in cahoots with the American Mafia. As my old and dear friend Melissa Zamora (pre-Landin) would say about here, "Quien sobby?"

Yeah, many will be recalling exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.

And, of course, the word is that the federal government knows who did it. But, for a load of reasons, the many-faces government is not talking.

Should we care? At this so-down-the-road point?

I don't. Who's got time these days? Hell, we could reflect on a litany of things that remain unresolved in this grass-whorled country. Life here, I tell my foreign friends, is a moving TV show with an endless string of characters and a loose-legged plot.

America? Is it still Land of The Free & Home of The Brave?

Eh. Only, my friend, if you believe in lying bullshit, which, yes, forever finds its way into our National Story. Americans were meant to be rolled, as any self-respecting thug will tell you.

Kennedy was killed because someone said he had to be killed. Guns and bullets don't work alone. Some connected dude, more than likely, an organization perhaps. JFK was a problem for that someone, that something.

Movie Director Oliver Stone told one version of the assassination. I thought it was a good movie, although hardly convincing, which is the essence of mystery, isn't it? Books were written, all still there in bookstores and home libraries. Read one, read two, read three. Maybe the info will add up for you.

No, Maria, there is not one answer to who offed our young, popular president.

Too bad, I know. It's become part of our annual psyche wash, a day to remember and wonder about an event that is well-known to someone but not to all.

Bang the drum slowly, yes...



  1. Jack Ruby knew. That's why he was killed in jail.

  2. I retired as a fraud examiner, worked as an auditor and CFE for more than 47 years, and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Lee Harvey Oswald DID NOT kill JFK!

  3. CIA did it. Agency saw a Kennedy dynasty coming, with brothers Bobby and Ted.


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