Monday, November 6, 2023

DEBATES:...3rd And Final One For Republicans Set For This Wednesday...Chicken Donald Trump Will Not Be There...Nor Mike Pence...



McALLEN, Texas | It'll be the third and final Republican debate of this wacky political season. That comes this Wednesday in Miami. And not all of the usual suspects will be there, especially not the self-anointed, oft-indicted GOP God, Donald J. Trump.

Missing this go-round will be former Veep Mike Pence. He dropped out last week, citing a lack of campaign cash and woeful polling. Pence has not endorsed anyone yet.

Expected to be onstage are ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

And maybe North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum if he can muster a more positive polling result between today and late-tomorrow, when the official lineup will be announced by the sponsoring Republican National Committee.

Self-aggrandizing, Cheeto-colored Trump has not participated in any of the party's debates, leaving Americans to imagine how he would have fared against better speakers and candidates more-attuned to the needs of the nation. Trump Cult followers have not sneezed a word about his absence.

The party primaries begin with the Iowa Caucus, scheduled to be held January 15, 2024 - MLK Day.

We suspect that several more Republicans pretenders will drop out between now and the Iowa Caucus, probably for the same reasons Pence bailed out.

The debate will be hosted by NBC News, with moderators Lester Holt, Kristen Welker and conservative-leaning commentator Hugh Hewitt.

The two-hour debate begins at 8:00 PM...



  1. Same old, same old. Jabber, jabber. Nothing worth a damn. Why do they bother?


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