Friday, October 27, 2023

WORTHLESS:...Two Pathetic Brownsville Bloggers Don't Innovate; They Imitate...And Then Claim...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | A little more than a month ago, The McAllen Sun began publishing its weekly Taco Tuesday feature in which we take a biting looksee at local celebrities and politicians. We actually got better-than-expected response from our growing readership.

Now comes perhaps the Rio Grande Valley's lamest blogger - Jerry McHale, shown in photo above - to steal that same premise and claim it as his own. Not that we're surprised as he has NOT ONE creative bone in his lifeless, 73-year-old physically-eccentric body. He is shown in photo above. 

There it was on his dying blog: "Taco Tuesday"...and Throwback Thursday, as the obligatory repetitive slice of nothingness he believes is something special. His blog has no style, so his style is to steal from others.

But he did type this pitiful description to accompany his ripped-off offering: "McHale likes to be in the vanguard as part of his evolutionary presentation in the blogosphere." Big Lie. He'd stolen the idea from us.

Oft-loser in marriage and capitalism, McHale wants everyone to see him as some sort of avant garde writer, only if he's not writing the same plot over & over & over in his so-called Internet books, he's ripping off ideas off other bloggers. When he saw his old buddy Bob Rivard's blog (The Rivard Report) in San Antonio, McHale re-named his blog, The McHale Report.

He does it without laughing, which is the funny part of all of this. Stealing is so much a part of his writing life that to stop and review his work would be reviewing the same thing over & over & over. As one of our mutual friends once told us, "Jerry has written the same book 20 times. It's always about vatos, broads, booze, the border and some Spanish."

We've never actually read any of his so-called novels. Once, when we asked him to send us a copy of one of his efforts, he promised to do it but never did.

Why he would look our way for ideas is another mystery. We had a falling-out a few weeks back after I criticized one of his advertisers, a well-known politician who apparently complained. Whatever. His friendship is - like Trump - is always one-way, as his former pal Tony Zavaleta recently found out. He and McHale had been good friends for 47 years, but McHale burned him without giving it a second thought.

He did the same thing to fellow Blogger Juan Montoya, who was kinda pissed-off when McHale called him the "third-best writer" in local blogging, presumably behind him and forlorn, non-college-educated Jimmy Barton.

We never needed McHale, and we never used even one of his stories. Twice - on two different blogs - we asked him to stop using our stories on his blog, once because we thought his presentation was woeful and this latest time after he blocked us on Facebook for criticizing the politician he was promoting.

In that way, he mimics a horrendously desperate loser.

To date, his only friend appears to be third-tier, 75-year-old blogger Barton, who praises McHale with vigor, as if afraid that McHale will drop his ass, too.

Barton was also the one who copied our bold face/italics style in the text of our stories. He did it and still does it. Innovation is not their strength. Both of their blogs look like they looked 5-10 years ago.

We'll keep them on their toes. It's rather easy, since both McHale and Barton are NOT REAL NEWSWRITERS, but whole hog wannabes. Often, we can spot the many holes in their stories, as we did during their recent apoplectic Welding Recital they quickly abandoned without comment.

Barton is a Big Zero as a newsman. He, however, is not even a college graduate, nor does he have any published work at all. McHale worked one year as a sportswriter at lowly The Brownsville Herald and then went on to work 35 years as an ESL teacher with the local school district - not exactly something to denote you as a writer.

Unaccomplished McHale will keep praising his own hollow stabs at writing novels. He's never had an editor, and he likely would never want one, as it would then show his typing to be just that - dumbass typing, and nothing more.  

Perhaps he'll hit the Big Time when Barnes & Noble opens an aisle for "Dumbass Writing" at present not worthy of a place on its shelves.

Until then, he'll keep stealing innovations from The McAllen Sun, like our writing student Jimmy Boy Barton...



  1. Typical of wannabes. They always see themselves as something they are clearly not. McHale is not a writer, but he does type away like a spastic pendejo.

    1. That about sums it up. commenter. I see McHale as a lifelong poser. He claimed to be on the Sacramento State football team until we called the school and were told they had no record of anyone with his name even being enrolled there. Barton's exposure to college life came by way of up & down drives on streets fronting Texas Southmost College in Brownsville...

  2. I don't know these guys, but they do seem to be dumbasses. jmho

  3. Looks like a pair of striving do-nothings.

  4. I can't think of anything good that's ever come out of Brownsville. But I hear these two are not even from Brownsville, just white boys from out west. Locals I know think they're a joke, actually.

    1. Brownsville is 94% Hispanic. These two pale faces are not as liked as they would wish to think. I know El Jerry lost a lot of friends when he attacked Tony Zavaleta. And Barton is a joke.

  5. I'll bet TSC Chair Adela Garza will never speak to McHale again. He's just not in her class, either.

    1. I hear the list is growing. Trey Mendez also won't speak to McHale and Tony Zavaleta's good friend Ben Neece likely is also pissed at McHale. just saying.

  6. McHale loves to go after the Mexicans in Brownsville. he's kinder to Anglos. Barton is just a tag-along.

  7. Abbott is turning Anglos against Hispanics. Is that Mchale's motivation here? Looks like it is. He's no friend of local Mexicans.


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