Monday, September 11, 2023

TRIALS:...In A.G. Paxton's Impeachment, Word Of A Woman Not His Wife...



AUSTIN, Texas | Is it really a truism that there is no literature without sex? The slow unfolding of suspended Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's tale of legal woe and secret apartment sex with a woman not his wife is staying up with that saying.

He's on trial, about to be impeached and removed from an office he has held since 2014.

As the second week of his ongoing trial began on Monday, it was that on & off sexual affair with a woman identified as Laura Olson, a four-times divorcee, that became the day's prime testimony.

This from [ One of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's former staffers testified Monday that the Republican’s extramarital affair took a toll on employees who had to work long and odd hours because of the secret relationship that is now a factor in his impeachment trial.

"I told General Paxton quite bluntly it wasn’t my business who he was sleeping with, but when things bleed over into the office and into the state work, it becomes my business," said Katherine Cary, the former chief of staff in Paxton’s office.

The affair is part of the abuse of power and bribery charges that Texas House Republicans have made against Paxton after years of alleged scandal and corruption. If convicted, he could be banned from holding office again in Texas. His fate is in the hands of the Republican-controlled Texas Senate, where a verdict could happen as soon as this week.

Paxton's wife, Angela, is a senator but is barred from voting in the proceedings. She sat at her desk on the chamber floor while Cary described how she warned Paxton that his affair carried legal and political risks.

Paxton had the affair with a woman (Miss Olson) who worked for local developer Nate Paul, whose relationship with one of Texas’ most powerful figures is central to the impeachment trial. Through five days of testimony, five of Paxton’s former aides have testified how Paxton allegedly pressured them in various ways to help Paul, who was under FBI investigation and once gave Paxton a $25,000 campaign contribution.

Tony Buzbee, Paxton’s attorney, challenged Cary on cross examination about the importance an affair should have in an impeachment trial.

"Imagine if we impeached everyone in Austin who had an affair," Buzbee said. "We’d be impeaching people for the next 100 years." ]

That sounded like an admission, of sorts.

The trial continues tomorrow. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (real last name of Goeb) is presiding over the trial. He has said it could end by Thursday, at which time a vote to impeach would follow.

For 60-year-old Paxton, a vote to impeach would likely end his political career. He is being tried at a time when his fellow Republicans are in full control of Texas government, something that we believe has not been lost on him.

We've not heard anything about his paramour (shown in photo above, at right) possibly taking the witness stand.

That would be a needed scene in a novel or a movie...


1 comment:

  1. Trailer Park dame. Looks it to me. Paxton's wife is much prettier. JMHO


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