Monday, September 4, 2023

SUNSPOTS:...Where Do We Go Now?...



McALLEN, Texas | Every now and then while driving, well, you come up to a point in the street or open road when something else beckons. It could be a lonely side street, an alluring alley or a time-carved dirt path off the crowded Interstate.

Yogi Berra, the always-erudite catcher for the NY Yankees of the Bronx Bombers Era, once said: "If you come to a fork in the road, take it."

That's whimsical, but often fitting.

Daring to change the screen stuff on your Life's existential window does something special for the mind. For one, it throws you up against something totally new, and that is always a treat. And two, yeah, every action has a reaction, so who knows what you may find when you do change the scenery?

You're no ant; yes, go ahead and take a different route to work, to the store, to the bar or to the restaurant. That's the best day-to-day activities menu, a willing stare down of what's actually - really - available for you. Life is short, shorter than any 60 or 70 years on the planet may indicate. Live them and see for yourself.

A truism: There's no one way to anywhere, except maybe the last three or four yards to a cemetery gravesite...


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I feel like an ant. I work at the mall.


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