Friday, September 8, 2023

SUN SPOTS:...Buoys In Brownsville Resacas?...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | No, Maria, Texas Gov. Abbott is not installing buoys in Brownsville resacas to entertain local dummies. They have more than enough comedy relief from the heat with steady updates on that long-running crusade to get even the cheapest bus stop shelters for the city's damned.

But, hey, ready for a sundown dip? I know you are.

Look at you. You look drained, exhausted.

This horrible summer is on its way out, however.

We're buoyed by that...


[Editor's Note: SUN SPOTS is an occasional feature in which we sort of shine the old flashlight on interesting tidbits or photos. Sometimes we have fun with it and sometimes it's just part of the daily drag of writing news...]


  1. Why is the smell around these resacas so awful? Always. It's always bad.

  2. The rumor is that many in Brownsville use the resacas to wash their clothes. I don't believe it, but you hear it in the restaurants and bars. I don't reside in Brownsville, so I couldn't tell you more...

    1. They still do that in Brownsville? Wow. That is hard to believe.


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