Sunday, September 10, 2023

CAMPAIGNS:...Trump Gets Finger At Iowa-Iowa State Football Game...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, Iowa beat Iowa State 20-13 in the game on the field yesterday, but up in the stands it was a toss-up for visitor and oft-indicted presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.

Some fans gave him the finger.

This from [ Several college football fans flipped the bird to Donald Trump as he waved to a crowd from a private suite at the Iowa Hawkeyes-Iowa State Cyclones game on Saturday.

Republican Trump, who received a sea of cheers at a prior visit to a fraternity house, got the one-finger salute from a number of fans as he and other GOP presidential candidates were on hand to check out the state’s intense college football rivalry.

The presidential campaign visit came after a rally with South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who endorsed his candidacy. It was in the days before this rally that pundits were saying 51-year-old Noem may be being seen as a potential vice president by the Trump campaign.

Neither Trump nor Noem commented on that possibility.

Two other GOP candidates - free-falling Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and mouthy businessman Vivek Ramaswamy - also attended the game in Ames, Iowa. Only DeSantis of those two got the finger...



  1. Attaboys, Iowa! You good. That bozo deserves those fingers.

  2. Isn't all of Iowa Republican? I keep hearing that but it's good to see this.

    1. Well, no. According to party registration statistics, 68.47% of the state's 3,155,070 inhabitants (2,160,405) are Republicans. Democrats in the state account for 30.47% of the population, or 658,191 residents. Now you know...

  3. Hate that guy. Trump is dirty as you know what. the sooner they jail him the better for us.

  4. trump's little hands. funny.

  5. That top photo is just spectacular. Justice in one frame.

  6. He acts as if he's done nothing. Trump should have been jailed years ago. Here's my finger, Donnie!


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