Wednesday, September 27, 2023

BROWN REPUBLICANS:... Why You're Lost, And Always Will Be In Donald J. Trump's Republican Party...


. . . .Trumpism is a way for them to engage in the fantasy and ideation of violence as a way of getting and keeping power and "getting even" with their "enemies", those Black and brown people, gays and lesbians, transgendered people, "liberals", "the left", "political correctness", "Black Lives Matter", "Woke", "Critical Race Theory", "illegal immigrants", criminals, "intellectuals", "socialists", "feminists", "Muslims", or whoever in their minds has somehow "oppressed" real Americans like them by not staying in their place as second class citizens who are to be subservient and obedient to White "Christian" Americans. - From an article posted today at


Just a sweet reminder for my Brown Republican friends. It's great that you find pleasure in joining a national political movement, but it's not what you think it is.

The people you wish to support do NOT have YOU in mind for their future...



  1. I was into it last year and even joined a Trump train here in McAllen. It was a social outing for me. That's how I look at it now that I'm over it. Just a fad, I guess.

    1. Glad you got over it. It is a fad. A dangerous one, too.


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