Wednesday, September 6, 2023

BORDER:...Federal Judge Tells Abbott To Remove Buoys...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, they didn't stick around long. We speak of those Cheeto-colored buoys Texas Gov. Greg Abbott set up in the Rio Grande near the city of Eagle Pass to keep migrants out of the Lone Star State. A federal judge has ordered them moved away from the middle of the river.

This from The Associated Press: [ . . .A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Texas to move a large floating barrier to the bank of the Rio Grande after protests from the U.S. and Mexican governments over Republican Gov. Abbott’s latest tactic to stop migrants from crossing America’s southern border.

The not-all-that-surprising decision by U.S. District Judge David Ezra is a victory for President Joe Biden’s administration, which sued after Texas put the wrecking ball-sized buoys on the water in early July as part of a sprawling border security mission known as Operation Lone Star. The judge said the state must move the barrier by Sept. 15.

The barrier threatens provisions of a treaty between U.S. and Mexico, wrote Ezra, who also cast doubt on its effectiveness.

"The State of Texas did not present any credible evidence that the buoy barrier as installed has significantly curtailed illegal immigration across the Rio Grande River," Ezra wrote.

Abbott said Texas would appeal. ]

Judge Ezra said a little bit more, as quoted in a report published by the Washington Examiner: [ "Defendants and anyone working on their behalf are enjoined and hereby prohibited from building new or placing additional buoys, blockades, or structures of any kind in the Rio Grande River pending final judgment in this matter," Ezra wrote.

"Defendants shall, by September 15, reposition, at Defendants’ expense, and in coordination with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, all buoys, anchors, and other related materials composing the ... floating barrier placed by Texas in the Rio Grande in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, Texas to the bank of the Rio Grande on the Texas side of the river," he added. ]

Republican Border Mogul Abbott can appeal from here to Kingdom Come but those buoys will not return. There's this thing called international politics and Abbott is a loser there. The U.S. will honor Mexico's request and Abbott can lump it, is what the judge is telling him.

Boy, this was short-lived.

Those lame-ass buoys were installed only weeks ago.

It's just added proof that Abbott's Border Madness has been a miserable failure...



  1. I always thought those floating those buoys was a dumbass idea, probly to anger Mexico.

  2. Ouch. Do I hear a spanking?

    1. This has been coming from the day Abbott floated those damned things. Once Mexico objected, Abbott's goose was cooked. I hear San Benito wants to buy the buoys, to set them up between itself and dirtier Brownsville...

    2. Let me amend that statement: Brownsville is not that dirty; it's just some of its residents. They know who they are...

  3. Buoys were a loser move.

  4. Abbott forgets he is part of a Bigger Entity - the United States, of which is only one member. Lesson learned? Probly not.

  5. Border madness is right. Abbott is just dreaming up ideas. He has not secured the border. He has failed at it!


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