Friday, August 4, 2023

Where Will They Go When The Trump Shine Fades?...



McALLEN, Texas | Hungry for something and looking to quickly melt in by way of a well-known celebrity, most nouveau, wildly-inexperienced politicians willingly turned their fortunes to sucking up to Donald J. Trump. This happened kinda fast from coast to coast, with new names hitting the national news cycle almost daily once the smell of success took over their brains.

South Texan Mayra Flores was one such star-blinded groupie. Those who knew her knew that she had talked of walking into the booth and voted Democrat in the 2008 presidential election, for Barack Obama even. Gladly, we presume.

But that was then. Today, the 37-year-old Miss Flores is still gung-ho for Trump, framing her campaign for the 34th Congressional District seat in the image of her political hero. For now, it's all Trump. She's still a fan of the thrice-indicted Mar-a-Lago resident.

And who knows if she is a forward-thinker, but one wonders what Mayra Flores will do once her political God - Trump - is no longer the shining knight in American politics. Will she weep and quit politics altogether, or will she sit down and think things out in a more personal way? Something happens to a budding star when the spotlight finally shines on him or her alone. Could Mayra Flores, holder of barely a 2-year college (associate's) degree, reinvent herself.

She's a Mexican in heavily Hispanic Country. Most of her neighbors share her brownish skin coloring, unlike all of Trump's neighbors in ritzy Palm Beach, Florida, where Hispanics mostly work as maids, groundskeepers or cooks.

What is Mayra Flores without the Trump veneer?

Good question.

It would be interesting to hear her answer. Not that she's there, there being the possibility that her political career may fritter away. Would she look at her adopted Republican Party differently? Someone hard at work on a case study of her ascent could ask: Is there anything lasting in her politics or in her current campaign?

No, not really. Mayra Flores is the quintessential Donald J. Trump devotee.

Not that she's alone. A slew of Rio Grande Valley residents bolted into local politics armed with the acquired Trump flag. To date, they seem proud of the affiliation. The gent in the photo above is Republican Mauro Garza, another candidate for the 34th Congressional District seat held by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez.

We'll see where they are a year or two from now. A Mexican Republican is an oxymoron. But they know it. They have to if they have half a brain. 

I expect a slow but certain retreat from these fakers...


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