Monday, August 14, 2023

Ron DeDummy...Wants To Attack Mexico Now...



McALLEN, Texas | All but done, is what they're saying about ditzy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his slumping presidential campaign. And yesterday, he went looking for an issue that sounded about right for Republican residents of Midwest Iowa, where he is seeking voter support.

The issue: Attack the Mexican cartels with U.S. military force.

He's not the first one to say that, but DeSantis is struggling mightily to remain relevant in the 2024 Election stab against frontrunner - and thrice-indicted - Donald J. Trump. He recently rebooted by firing one campaign manager and hiring another.

Wife Casey had been the attention-getter of late, but now she's pretty much vanished. Perhaps Ron felt she was getting too much on the good side of the national press. Who knows? There are those who say this particular campaign is in disarray, a cool word for shambles, disastrous, chaos and a mess.

Can he recover?

Early polls show him second behind Trump and ahead of a host of lesser Republicans in the hunt for the GOP nomination. DeSantis has, however, qualified for the August 23rd candidate debate, the one Trump is saying he will not attend. Hopefully, 77-year-old Trump will be on his psychiatrist's couch, as all anger, hilarity and threats coming from him tells us he is really a dude begging, screaming and angling for an intervention.

But DeSantis is still there, as they say in songs about our national flag.

Trouble in politics, I suppose, is a matter of opinion. He is doing his best in squeezing farm-tired hands and aging, slumping rubbing backs on the Iowa corn-on-the-cob trail. Perhaps he knows he can't blow it worse than ex-Republican President Gerald Ford when being handed real Iowa grub. Ford visited San Antonio once, was handed a wrapped tamale and proceeded to munch into it cornhusk and all. Go ahead, Ron - have that offering of Iowa Scotcheroos! Yeah, eat it with your fingers! Ha ha ha.

But we're here on that stuff about attacking our neighboring ally, Mexico.

Really, Ron?

Donald J. Trump has said something similar in the past, as has Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina. Yes, we know, it's a handy political issue, but, always, an empty threat. First Mexico, then Canada - is that the plan?

DeSantis would do better for himself by mentioning domestic issues, things and services Americans need and want, like a curb on inflation and what that does to pocketbook issue such as groceries and household bills, gasoline and taxes. Fix that first. Mexico and the uncooperative cartels can wait.

Plus, Ron, you haven't said a word about drug use here in the states. You know, the addicted Fentanyl user - the Americans buying the drugs you say come from the Mexican cartels? And what do you say about the opioid mess in the Appalachian region, the one decimating entire little mining towns? Haven't heard your take on that, Ron.

Illegal drugs are a major problem in the U.S., but, hey, let's lob some missiles somewhere.

That always gets the voters, great patriots that they are, energized like nothing else.

Expect Ron DeSantis to shift to another excitable issue later today. And to another tomorrow. And so on and on and on. 

He's got nothing...


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