Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Right-Wingers Say Biden Too Old...Fear Michelle Obama...



McAllen, Texas | To watch and listen to Right-Wing Media is to get a certain angst moving across the country. Yeah, from sea to shining sea, that maudlin crap. Blokes such as Bill O'Reilly and pretty much every FOX News pundit do not believe President Joe Biden will actually post for the 2024 presidential election.

Age, they say. His age, which is 80 this year.

And, yes, they're also writing-off Vice President Kamala Harris. She's not well-liked, Republicans will insist. Plus, she's Black.

But wait! Aren't they predicting Democrats will recruit and run former First Lady Michelle Obama? Yes, boys. Yes, they are. Saying it and writing it every which way they can. It's Biden they don't want to face next year, so Biden will be discarded. "Why, Melania, he'd be almost 85 by the time his next term ended! No, Democrats cannot be that dumb."

It'll be Mrs. Obama. She's intelligent, an attorney and, well, only 59 years old!

Much hay is being made by right-wingers about recent sojourns by the Obamas to lovely Martha's Vineyard off the Massachusetts coast. These loser, always nosey Republicans fully believe that it's not the Obamas on vacation, but the Obamas at strategic gatherings organized by the national Democratic Party. Could it be? Not that we'd oppose it in the least, but this is playing only on right-wing radio and in the pages of right-wing publications.

Who knows?

Maybe there's just a thin thread of possibility there. Afterall, anything is possible in politics. And re-arranging the deck chairs on the ship is always part of the presidential campaign season. Uh, the thought is intriguing. Likely Republican nominee (thrice-indicted) Donald J. Trump would love it. Running against a Black woman for The White House?

For the racist in him, Heaven-sent!

It's still early. And, yeah, we're also hearing that Mrs. Obama is not interested in signaling anything against the president, which is smart. Plots and subplots live in politics. It all depends on how far you wish to stick your head in the massive Black hole, one that allows for intelligent angling and dumbass, illegal activity.

Plus, who knows where 77-year-old Donald Trump will be a year from now? Oh, and if not Michelle Obama, say the right-wingers, then it'll be California Gov. Gavin Newsom. He's only 55. See photo of him above, at left.

It's still a long, long way to November 2024...


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