Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Once Upon A Loser: Trump Hangers-On Face Defeat...



McALLEN, Texas | She wants sooo-oh desperately to belong. We speak of newfangled Republican Mayra Flores, the naturalized American who much desires the 34th Congressional District seat currently held by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez.

Not happening, says fellow Republican Carlos Cascos, the former Texas Secretary of State.

Mr. Cascos, who may yet enter the same contest, believes the man Mayra Flores says won the 2020 presidential election - one Donald J, Trump - is a certain Election Day flop quite ready to doom her and other South Texas Republican candidates. Listening Mauro Garza, the other declared candidate for the same post? You, astronomical longshot candidate Laura E. Cisneros? You, as well.

About Republican chances if Trump is the party's 2024 presidential nominee, Cascos said, in so many words, "Good luck with that, but it ain't happenin'."

Or, well, in his words, "down ballot" candidates (all of these locals) would stand no chance of winning. I know. You can almost hear Mayra Flores grabbing that old chips & salsa tray and flinging it across the dining room floor. Mauro Garza, shown in photo at right, would likely stand up and say, no, scream, that he didn't launch his campaign to lose, and that, heck, he won't lose. But he will. Mauro Garza, like Mayra Flores and Laura E. Cisneros, is a Johnny-come-lately Republican - in our eyes, these three are a trio of posers. Hopeless laments.

I mean, Mauro Garza looks like the quintessential JC Penney's men's clothing department salesman. If I see it, well, voters will see it too. Rural child Mayra Flores needs polish, a "looks & moves" makeover. She's wanting to play a Big Time political game living in a bucolic metropolis she calls Los Indios - not quite Big D. But that 6-months-long taste she got as a Congresswoman, after she won the Special Election to fill resigned Congressman Fil Vela's seat last summer, not only emboldened her but it also got her thinking she was something special.

She lost to current Democrat Vicente Gonzalez in the November General election by some 10,000 votes. It didn't take her long to blast Republicans who she believed had not turned out to vote. It was bad form and likely something district votes have not forgotten.

Laura E. Cisneros, an oncologist shown in photo at left, is, frankly, apparently out for a good time and nothing more. She was a voting Democrat only a few days ago, fer chrissakes! Political grasshopper? Well, we fully expect to see her in the Libertarian Party after this election, yes.

It did cross our mind that what Mr. Cascos was saying about down-ballot Republicans faring badly in South Texas might also be speaking to his potential run. Has he decided against challenging his party colleagues for the right to take on well-entrenched Vicente Gonzalez?

Well, yeah, you could read that into his words. He is a South Texas Republican and he said South Texas Republicans would not do well if Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee in the 2024 presidential election.

Well, being eternal fight fans, we would wish Mr. Cascos in the Main Event. Him and incumbent Gonzalez. That's the attraction in the 34th Congressional District outdoor ring. . . .Pay Per View, baby. Let's get rrrrrrrrrrready to rummmmmmmmble...15 rounds of boxing in the cruiserweight division...

And, yes, we do ask ourselves if Mr. Cascos is also writing himself off. It's a legit question based on what he has said. 

Carlos Cascos fully believes Trump would lose (again) to Democrat incumbent Joe Biden...


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