Saturday, August 26, 2023

No Surprise:...They Only Jailed The Black Guy...



McALLEN, Texas | One more time: How many defendants at that wild jail booking in Atlanta, Georgia the other day? Eighteen, you say. And how many of them were white? What - there was one Black man? And who among the indicted glitterati that included Donald J. Trump and Rudy Giuliani was jailed...and is still in jail?

The Black man.

No one else.

Yeah, no surprise there, I suppose.

This from a news report: [ Trump and the 18 co-defendants in his Georgia election interference RICO case all met the deadline to surrender to authorities for arrest on Friday, and while most of them were released from the Fulton County jail on bail, one remains in custody. 

Harrison Floyd, a former marine who was associated with the group "Blacks For Trump," (shown in photo above) was charged earlier this month with three counts related to his alleged participation in a racketeering scheme to meddle with the 2020 election results and his harassment of campaign worker Ruby Freeman

During a court appearance Friday, Floyd appeared without an attorney and claimed that he could not afford to hire one. The court countered that he did not qualify for the services of a Georgia public defender, which are granted or denied following an application and eligibility review. Judge Emily Richardson informed Floyd that she would not be granting his release on bond at that moment.

"There are grounds for bond to be denied at this point," Richardson told Floyd. "I’m going to go ahead and find that you are a risk to commit additional felonies and a potential risk to flee the jurisdiction. So I’m going to deny bond, but a full consideration of bond will be addressed." ]

Floyd’s case has now been assigned to Judge Scott McAfee

When the bond wasn’t granted, the co-defendant objected and argued he had presented himself to authorities for his surrender in a timely manner. "I got on a plane, I voluntarily came here," Floyd said. 

Some noted that this is not Floyd’s first arrest. In Maryland, he was charged after allegedly assaulting an FBI agent in May. The agent had served him a subpoena related to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s separate investigation into Trump’s efforts to interfere with the 2020 election.

So the "Blacks For Trump" guy remains in jail. Sounds like he actually fronted "Thugs For Trump," but we may be being a bit too-harsh.

It's just interesting and notable that the only Black dude in the indicted gang was the only one deemed a "flight risk" and a "risk to commit additional felonies."

Geez, Louise, that sounds more like...Donald J. Trump.

And, by the way, Trump has not come forward to vouch for or to pay Floyd's bond...



  1. I noticed that too. Trump should have bailed him out. The guy was working for Trump! What a loser.

  2. Trump doesn't seem to be helping any of his co-conspirators with their legal bills - not even his BFF Rudy Giuliani. He's one of those rare tightwads who will ask YOU for money...

  3. It's called one-way loyalty.

  4. To be expected from Trump. You would think they'd know by now. sad.

  5. Must be the prospect of being in the limelight with him, in the news. Hardly anyone who has signed up to aid him has come out unscathed. Maybe Scaramucci, the short-timer press aide...


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