Thursday, August 31, 2023

HURRICANE BRIEFS:...Day Of Utter Misery...



PERRY, Florida | It appears that Hurricane Idalia claimed only two lives as it made its way across northern Florida and into Georgia and South Carolina.

By comparison, the last big hurricane to strike the Sunshine State - Ian - took 144 lives to the grave.

Not that Idalia was a nice visitor.

This from an online report: [ As Hurricane Idalia blasted through the Carolinas and out into the Atlantic Ocean, flood-stricken and wind-blasted residents in Florida and Georgia were picking through the debris to see what remains of their homes and possessions. ]

That's Tom Lanier, 78, in photo above. Not a happy camper, no. He lost a chunk of his home.

But that's hurricanes, isn't it?...


1 comment:

  1. No sympathy here for that bald-headed dude. Blame DeSantis, Bubba. ja ja ja.


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