Tuesday, August 29, 2023

BORDER:...Texas Guardsman Fires Across Rio Grande...Hits Mexican...



McALLEN, Texas | It begins. Wait, wait. We're being a bit overly-dramatic there. Yes, a Mexican citizen was shot by a Texas National Guardsman, but it's a reach to say the U.S. will soon invade Mexico, as nutty Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has promised.

This from texastribune.org: [ A National Guard member on duty at the Texas-Mexico border in El Paso fired across the Rio Grande, injuring a 37-year-old Mexican man in Ciudad Juárez on Saturday night, according to the Texas Military Department and Mexican news outlets.

"On the night of 26 August, a National Guard Servicemember assigned to Operation Lone Star discharged a weapon in a border-related incident," a spokesperson for the military department said in a statement. "The incident is under investigation. More information will be made available as the investigation progresses."

According to El Diario, a Spanish language newspaper in Juárez, Darwin José García of the southern Mexican state of Veracruz initially told police he was migrant attempting to cross into the U.S. But the man later told reporters he was practicing a sport on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande around 8:50 p.m. Saturday while a group of migrants were crossing the river, according to the newspaper. García said he then heard shots and realized he had been shot in the leg, the newspaper reported. ]

We looked for but could not find any sort of comment about this shooting from Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

Perhaps he'll have a comment later today, or maybe we missed it.

Abbott is always cat-quick to note stuff coming from the southern side of the Mighty Rio Grande (Yes, that's the lame Rio Grande in the photo atop this post), but he always goes quiet when things on this side go wrong.

Hey, your guys shot a man standing on his country's soil.

Abbott's not listening...



  1. Well, at least he hit him. Not to sound cold but our national guard types are normally weak-ass dudes. Must have been a lucky, one-in-a-million shot.

  2. Abbott likely laughed it off.

  3. i don't kow about this? Had it happened, the national Left media would be all over it! Huh, where' the part that Mexico fired across first because that what usually happens? Since, the border issue if very political between the parties? This would be something that the national Left media would use to drag Governor Abbott over the coals!

    1. Calm down. If I had found anything about Mexicans firing first, you'd have seen it in our report. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  4. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Trigger-happy guardsman.

  5. Don't they have a senior officer okaying the firing of a rifle? They are not just out there on their own, are they? Dumb.

  6. We need a better plan. It's all a mish-mash of policies and changing policies. Abbott doesn't know what to do! There is no stability to any of what he's doing. He's making it up as he goes along!

    1. I would agree with you on the spasmodic way Abbott has addressed this "invasion"...

  7. Firing a weapon into a country said to be our ally is not good. Abbott should apologize to Mexico. But I hear he's never even picked up the phone to talk with Mexico's president about any of this. Dereliction of duty?

    1. You make a very good point. What do you think would happen if a Mexican soldier fired this way and hit one of our citizens in the leg? Abbott would be livid, for one...


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