Monday, July 10, 2023

Why Cascos Wants No Part Of Mayra Flores...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | He's given himself two good months to decide on the fight. Carlos Cascos, the former Cameron County Judge and ex-Texas Secretary of State, says this Labor Day will tell the tale of whether he goes after the 34th Congressional District seat now held by uninspiring Democrat Vicente Gonzalez.

That will be September 4th, according to the calendar.

As with everything carrying more than one plot, Cascos would first have to tackle and knockout fellow Republican Mayra Flores in a Republican Party primary. Mayra Flores? The same Mayra Flores seen whipping Democrat Dan Sanchez in a special election last summer, doing it with the sort of Vato confidence gusto usually reserved for wrestling ass-kickers? That Mayra?


Gentleman Carlos Cascos is not used to even being around such brawling, headstrong women. What's a classy dude to do? Mayra Flores will bring the heat Big Time, that's for sure. That's her style. That's her way. She's a firecracker, that Mayra. Lit-up and everywhere to go. Debate?

Forget it, Carlos. She'd yell you down a few notches. They say she took last November's loss to now-incumbent Gonzalez about as bad as bad can be. She'd been to Washington, D.C., to the National Capitol Building, to be sworn in for that short, short, six-month stint as a congresswoman. And, man, she loved being a congresswoman. That racist stuff about being born in Burgos, Mexico across the Rio Grande? She let it slide off her furrowed brow, as they say in country music. So what?!

Mayra Flores had found her calling and only the voters could keep her off and away from the national political stage. She's much-much younger than Cascos, who is or about to be a very ripe 70 years of age. Campaign clash to end all campaign clashes? You betcha!

For the press, such a competitive contest would be gold. Mayra in a Newt Gingrich laugh goes for the pin. Cascos somehow slithers out of it and applies a Ronald Reagan headlock. Perspiration all over the ring's canvas. It's best of 15 falls, baby. Long one.

Cascos is no Election Day wallflower, but he's never, ever faced a fiery, tough-talking Mexican woman in any of his many political contests. You can almost write it even now: If Mayra Flores is going to go down to defeat again....well, she's going to go down fighting like Satan's Hell fries sinners - all-in the name of the game, yes. Carlos Cascos may tire of the attacks, the barnyard lingo from her camp and backers, the affront on civility.

Mayra Flores knows.

She knows Cascos was once.........a loud & proud Democrat.

It may or may not happen. And maybe Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott will seek to avoid party discord by backing one of the two, rendering the other one a quick loser.

But if it does happen, man, what a brawl it'll be.

Are you ready?




  1. 2024 elections are coming up fast. We as voters have the opportunity to determine our future & destiny. One race gathering interest is that of Congressional District 34. The incumbent is Vicente Gonzalez. No D has indicated any interest in challenging him, however, several Rs have indicated a desire to.
    What incentive do members of congress have for balancing budgets, cutting pork spending, reducing taxes for all & reduce spending? NONE. Getting wealthy or getting re-elected should not be their incentive. How about anyone running for Congress & elected commit to introducing legislation & supporting a 20% cut in their salaries until they do just that.

    1. That's a start. But so much more is needed. I reel at the caliber of today's candidates, at all levels, in both of our major parties. Exhibiting a loudmouth so readily should not be a qualification, as any fool can do that. Thanks for the thoughtful comment...

  2. I they stay, the first mile journey begins with the 1st step. as a side note...I don't recall Mayra ever debating Vicente or anyone else for that matter....I may be wrong...quien sabe....take care.


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