Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Poking At Politicians:...What's This One Done Anyway?...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | We like to say we treat all politicians like dogs. It's best that we do, since history tells us most will only let everybody down.

Like the guy shown in photo above - Tino Villarreal.

What's he done in office? Nothing.

Yeah, he's only been in a week, so maybe he'd like a break at this point. But the dude campaigned long and hard as if the needed changes at City Hall would rise from the bottom of a Boca Chica Boulevard pothole. Well, he does get some credit for beating opponent Susan Ruvalcaba, perhaps the loudest, most-monotonous candidate to ever seek office here.

Mr. Villarreal took the Oath of Office last Tuesday, got a round of applause from friends and family, as well as from sitting members of the Brownsville City Commission, most of them well-coiffed and wearing clean clothing.

Then Tino took the day off.

And every day since then has been a nothing day in his still-embryonic public service career. Perhaps he'll move the stick shift to 2nd Gear this week. Man, he campaigned like he really cared about being an At-Large City Commissioner. Mountains and the homeless would be moved. Nothing yet, Tino?

Uh, no.

Well, he did fill-in the human resources paperwork so that he can be paid his city commission stipend at the end of the month: $25,000 a year for the next four years!

But Tino hasn't done a damn thing yet, no...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...We say Tino Villarreal will be paid, only we couldn't find out when exactly the salary kicks-in. It was recently approved by voters. City Commissioners were to get $25,000, the mayor $40,000...]

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