Friday, July 14, 2023

Cocaine Caper In White House A Black Eye For Democrats...



McALLEN, Texas | It's hard to believe, as Republicans are still saying. With good reason. That incident in The White House where the U.S. Secret Service says it found a baggie of cocaine in a secure part of the building stinks from coast to coast.

They couldn't say whose cocaine it was or how it got there.

Wild. Too wild to be believed. This one is a poison dart for Republican critics of the Democrats, principally President Joe Biden, shown in photo above. Go ahead and aim it, GOP.

If anyplace in America is believed to be secure and impenetrable by is The White House. Isn't it? All of us have seen the military dudes with sniper rifles on its roof tops, the gates, the many officers on the property.

And there is the internal security all who enter must comply with, including must-show identification. You give your social security number, fer chrissakes! Surely, all are checked for what's in their pockets and backpacks, their laptop cases.


And no, I don't believe just anyone could sneak a baggie of cocaine into the hallowed house.

So, yes, keep crowing. This mystery has a resolution, only Democrats and Biden don't seem to care. Do they see it as peanuts, small potatoes? A case for just letting it go, sweeping it under the rug?


This is what the Secret Service said about it in a statement: [ The Secret Service has concluded its investigation into the small bag of cocaine found at the White House and has been unable to identify a suspect. ]

Secret Service officials combed through "security systems" and indexed "several hundred individuals" who entered the West Wing in the days preceding the discovery and were unable to identify a suspect.  The Secret Service said FBI lab results from the packaging (baggie) found "insufficient DNA" and could not retrieve any fingerprints.

". . .Therefore, the Secret Service is not able to compare evidence against the known pool of individuals," a statement from the agency said.

It baffles me. Surely, The White House does not think this hollow story will sell.

It all smacks of a cover-up, yes. Or someone deciding the investigation will not proceed, will end as a mystery.

Sad to write that, but that angle is somewhat strong.

Cocaine in The White House renders all criticism of the Mexican drug cartels moot. Doesn't it?

You have to solve a case like this one.

You just have to...


[Editor's Note:...A friend asserts that it was Republicans who planted the cocaine in The White House. I believe the Secret Service would have released that information, however...

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