Friday, June 23, 2023

Record Heat Out To Kill...



McALLEN, Texas | It's the story of the year, one that won't leave for a few months - "feels-like" temperatures in the 121-degree range across most of the subtropical Rio Grande Valley and climbing in some spots of blistered Northern Mexico. Put the cold Corona beer down, lads. Hydrate, and make your Mama happy.

The warmy month of June has turned brutal. That is a weather-lingo word usually for sentences to do with the scorcher months of July & August, normally the two hottest months of the year around here.

But something's up. Global warming? Well, yeah. WTF else?! And we don't mean it in the fighting, 24-hour news cycle pejorative political way, but more towards actual, no-bullshit, thermometer-proven heat. It's hot, hot, hot. Hotter than the spiciest salsa in town. Way, way, way hotter.

And it's not letting up anytime soon. Think late-October, maybe even Thanksgiving.

This tidbit from the National Weather Service: [ The heat in Texas does not represent the full ferocity of this particular heat dome, which has been sitting over Mexico. Temperatures there have neared 120°F. But this weather feature is forecast to build further to the north and encompass much of Texas by next week, intensifying the heat. ]

Next week, they say. Hotter next week. Dang and double dang.

Keep a bowl of water for your dog if the dude is outside and do not leave your children inside a vehicle even for one minute. You could lose both in a jiffy. It's that hot, Maria. Dallas in North Texas is only at 94 degrees today, with a low of 78.

McAllen's forecast high this Friday is at 103 degrees, with an overnight low of 81 degrees.

Elsewhere in the country, Los Angeles is at 73 degrees today, with a low of 67. Denver will be at 84 degrees today, with a low of 64 degrees. Chicago was expected to hit 77 daytime degrees, with the low at 62 degrees. The Big Apple was at 73 degrees at mid-morning, with a low of 67 degrees. My beloved Santa Fe, New Mexico was spending the day at 75 degrees, with a sweater-must evening of 49 degrees.

To our south, Monterrey, Mexico was to reach 102 degrees before dropping to 74 degrees overnight. Lovely San Miguel de Allende, Mexico was at 93 degrees, with a forecast off 55 tonight.

Maria, summer's here with an unbridled vengeance and I don't know what else could replace this skin-blackening heat as the area's Top Story of The Year.

Well, maybe the McAllen Bulldogs winning a few football games in a row later this year.

That would make many here forget the killing heat...


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