Thursday, June 22, 2023

All Mini-Sub Passengers Dead:...Killer Implosion In Deep Waters...



McALLEN, Texas | They didn't make it back. Two days of searching for the missing mini-sub on a dive to check out the decaying remains of the RMS Titanic ended, and the official conclusion is that all five of the "tourists" aboard died in some sort of catastrophic, deep-depth implosion.

The not-all-that-unexpected word came from the U.S. Coast Guard.

A report in the New York Post carried these words: [ US Coast Guard officials said five major pieces of debris were found 1,600 feet from the shipwreck, with the debris being "consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber" belonging to the Titan sub. Authorities said Titan imploded under the pressure of the Atlantic, killing all five passengers aboard.

The people aboard Titan included billionaire explorer Hamish Harding, French Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, and Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son, Sulaiman. ]

No one is saying when the explosion happened or what caused it. That disaster could have come early in the dive. The small, 22-foot-long submersible left its base in Newfoundland on Sunday. It was reported missing on Tuesday, with officials from its owners (OceanGate) saying they had lost all contact with the crew. The estimated depth of the ocean at the location was given as being 12,500 feet - an unforgiving depth that would have instantaneously crushed the disabled craft and the bodies of those aboard.

Nothing came from officials about the minisub's last movements. The distance from the Titanic where the debris was found is roughly 533 yards, or a little more than five football fields.

Did they ever get to see the Titanic?

Who knows?

Death came instantly. They all likely never felt a thing, their bodies crushed quickly and mercifully into unrecognizable soft and pulpy flesh & bone.

For the novel opportunity of seeing remains of the fabled passenger ship that sank in 1912, each of them had paid $250,000. Some graveyard that turned out to be...


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