Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hunter Biden: Playboy Druggie Gets Off Easy...



McALLEN, Texas | All in all, it was a rather nice Tuesday for playboy and drug-fueled alcoholic Hunter Biden, troubled second son of the president. The 53-year-old with strong financial connections in China and Ukraine today plead guilty to minor charges and avoided jail.

Republicans weathering the legal beating suffered pretty much daily by their political leader, one Donald J. Trump, were aghast...and angry as fire ants. Misdemeanors is what the U.S. Department of Justice got and pasted on Biden. No jail time.

Biden was charged with two counts of failing to pay federal taxes and one count of possessing a gun while addicted to drugs. Officials said he has reached a tentative agreement with the Department of Justice to plead guilty to the two tax crimes and avoid being prosecuted for the firearm charge.

The charges against Biden, shown in photo above, come just days after federal prosecutors charged former president Trump with 37 counts related to the classified documents probe. Yeah, your No-One-Is-Above-The-Law justice system is in some celestial freefall. Rape by White men may soon be legal; that is, free of criminal prosecution.

Biden's tale is one of both greed and opportunity. Also of stupidity and bad decision after bad decision. The guy is a mess. An attorney by profession (Yale Law, 1996), Biden has been both blessed and cursed in his adult life. Republican George W. Bush appointed Hunter to the Amtrak Board of Directors in 2006. His high connections got him a U.S. Navy officer commission in 2013, one he quickly lost after testing positive for drugs.

But it is his international wheeling & dealing with the Chinese and pre-war Ukrainian governments that saw him find quick riches and quicker trouble. He made a lot of money, young Biden acknowledges in his memoir ("Beautiful Things," released in 2021). Indeed, he writes that the money was so much that he couldn't spend it fast-enough. ". . .It (money) hounded me to spend recklessly, dangerously, destructively, humiliatingly. So I did."

Included in that carnival of wanton flesh was a string of relationships with questionable, however-hot women, one of which has accused him of fathering a child and abandoning it. The drug-use also came at this time (while his father was vice-president between 2008 and 2016).

It was in 2014 that he met and entered into deals with a Ukrainian oligarch owner of Burisma Holdings, a highly secretive, multi-national company the FBI has said was into laundering money. Burisma gave him a sweetheart deal that reportedly was in the several million dollars range. The New York Times published a lengthy report about this in 2020. Not much came of that from the feds. Later, it was the ultra-conservative New York Post that burst forth with what it said was an entire laptop vault of convicting photographic and video info allegedly showing Hunter Biden doing drugs, having sex and knocked out on the couch during episodes of blackout drinking. The Post bemoaned the failure of the mainstream media to chase all of that salacious stuff down, which, truth be told, they barely did.

Reaction has been quick and both good and damning. Democrats are noting that they, unlike touchy Republicans, hold their members accountable. Republicans are screaming that Hunter Biden got off too easy and benefitted from a "sweetheart" deal. Both are correct.

It'll be a shame if this long and serpentine lonesome sigh is how Young Biden's story ends. Sordid allegations are many, and the filing of two misdemeanors (failing to file taxes?) by the late-arriving DOJ will not suffice.

Not in this corner. Not when we've been bellyaching for years that Trump is getting away with murder.

Hunter Biden is getting off easy. True, he's not killed anyone, but, man, what fuckin' disregard of the law. It's of astral proportions! 

Democrats will pay a price for this... 


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