Sunday, June 25, 2023

How To Beat The Heat...



McALLEN, Texas | It's still hot. Another 100-degree day unfolds here, with temperatures close to that in the defenseless Rio Grande Valley cities and towns to the east. No break in sight, little shelter from the blistering sun ball that takes ownership of the day soon after 7:00 Ayem.

What to do?

A long, cold-water shower is a good way to begin the day. A swim in the pool if you have the free time. Or maybe a tall glass of iced limeade. All three will help. Nothing you do will avoid the scorching blast of hot air blowing through town.

It'll stay that way at least for the foreseeable future. The glib, air-conditioned local weatherboys are predicting 100-degree temperatures for the next 10 days, with next Tuesday set to come in with a high-heater of 105. Set your hot, black coffee down for the next few weeks. The blazing sun has killed the mood for Morning Joe.

Is your appetite down? Blame the heat, although two fajita tacos - and not the usual three - are enough for you most days. Dinner out? The little woman says it's just too hot to dress up. Lined-up a "hot" date with the City Hall secretary? Well, it will be hot.

This so-called "heat dome" over South Texas came out of Northern Mexico over the weekend, relieving our neighbors but arriving to bake locals as if loaf bread. Feel like flying-off to cooler climes, like the Rockies of Colorado?

You're not alone, son...


[Editor's Note:...The story was reported by interns Sam "Bam" Gomez in McAllen and Samantha Jo Vela in Brownsville. Contributing was Hilario Beltran in Monterrey, Mexico...]

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