Wednesday, June 14, 2023

HOT AS HELL:...Feels-Like Temp of 120 Coming...



McALLEN, Texas | Mexican Republicans in the Rio Grande Valley are being told to stay indoors as the now-relentless sun beats down on the region one more day. Extreme heat in the 105-degree range, with a feels-like factor of 119 degrees, is not good for brown skin color; it'll darken faster than you can say, "Clarence Thomas es mi gallo."

Weather forecasters on radio and television have not spared hot, hot, hot words in telling listeners and viewers that, well, Summer's just begun. These long, hot days of 100-degree weather will linger at least through all of next week, with this Sunday's forecast of 108 degrees serving as exclamation point.

Bring your dog inside the house and have the wife work up a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade. Coffee can wait for football season.

There's really nothing and no one to blame. Summer in Texas is an annual scorch. Deal with it. Elsewhere in the country, it is an annoying haze coming from burning wildfires in Canada angering the East Coast. Out west, it is El Nino whipping up hotter-than-usual Santa Anita winds blowing in from the Pacific Ocean. Las Vegas expected 97 degrees today. Phoenix awaited a 100-degree day, according to forecasters. Yeah, we know - dry heat. Uh, huh.

Meanwhile, the Dallas Morning News reported that the operator of Texas' power grid issued a "weather watch" ahead of what the agency projects could be record demand this week as temperatures are forecast to also top 100 degrees in North Texas. The watch does not indicate the state will see any widespread outages or that ERCOT will call for energy conservation. It is only an indication of higher demand on Texas’ power infrastructure than expected.

"Grid conditions are normal when we issue a Weather Watch," ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas said in a statement. "ERCOT continues to monitor conditions closely and will deploy all available tools to manage the grid and will continue our reliability-first approach to operations, always prioritizing grid reliability."

But, as we always say, who cares about weather elsewhere? It is the here & now that we must endure.

Of course, boiling June will segue cruelly into always-hotter July and blistering August. The sun will not rest. Not this time of the year. It is here and it is searing. Put those boots away and settle into your flip-flops. Mama, get into your flowery sundress, Baby.

There is no respite on the horizon, no...


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